Search results

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    Delayed arrival to US after H1 approval

    what type of info was provided ? When your bother went to consulate, what information he provided in the column that says weither or not your brother or sister or any close relative is living in US ?
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    Delayed arrival to US after H1 approval

    Can you share h1B stamping experience Which consulate did he go ? what types of questions were asked ? my brother is going for H1b stamping on late November. He is also working for IBM at India.
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    check this out :
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    First Time H1 Stamping (Bombay Consulate): 1st visit Refused.

    Hi Labcheck75, If you don't mind would you please please tell me company name which sponsored H1B visa? If you feel confidential, perhaps you can email it to me amnesty
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    Want to bring buddy into US. Is there any company sponsor H1B?

    Want to bring buddy to US. Is there a company to sponsor H1B? I would like to bring my close buddy to US . I am looking for company who will sponsor H1B. Ready to pay processing fees. Please let me know company names who are willing to process H1B.