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  1. V

    Do husband and wife go to interview together?

    When you say it's your choice, you mean we decide if we want to go in together or not? Anybody married here who had gone through the interview process recently? When we went to get interviewed for GC, both my wife and I were in the same room and were talking to an officer simulteneously. I don't...
  2. V

    Do husband and wife go to interview together?

    Tnx. Any other experience? Is it a common practice to interview husband and wife one after another or is it more common when couples are interviewed simulteneously?
  3. V

    Do husband and wife go to interview together?

    We (husband and wife) filed N-400s together, were fingerprinted together, and got our interview letters on the same day and for the same date and time. Will we be interviewed together? Any married couples went through the interview process recently? (Debating whether I should prepare 2 copies of...
  4. V

    Check list of docs to bring to the interview

    Thanks for suggestions. Anybody was asked to show utility bills during interview? I have them and I will probably bring a sample of those, but I am just wondering if there were precedents... Also, should we (my wife and I) expect to be interviewed at the same time (together)? Our appointment...
  5. V

    Check list of docs to bring to the interview

    My wife and I will have our Naturalization interview next week. I am preparing a list of docs I want to bring with me to the interview. Started with obvious: - passports - green cards - DL and SSN - letter from Selective Services - copies of all previous letters from INS (F1,H1,etc.) - tax...
  6. V

    Oath Ceremony in N. VA and its future

    Interesting... Any idea when will this procedure be implemented? (Beginning of the "future")
  7. V

    uscis district office update

    The dates did change (at least for Wash DO). They advance PD exactly by one month: from 23-Sep to 23-Oct. I don't think we can trust these dates.
  8. V

    Missing Evidence - Please share your comments

    Yep, the letter will say something like that. (Sorry for such little details -- the letter is at home and I am currently not. Also, I have not touched it for two or three months, but I remember that the langauge in it was very "convincing.")
  9. V

    Missing Evidence - Please share your comments

    >> If you were over 27 at the time you became PR, isn't that self explanatory? Why would you need letter from SS? First of all, I got it just in case. Second of all, I got it because I can! And it was free. I believe the instructions on how to get the letter are on SS website. I suggest...
  10. V

    Missing Evidence - Please share your comments

    I don't know if it is standard procedure or not, but my wife's receipt did not have any note about "missing evidence" and mine did. (Both of our applications were filed at the same time, in one package.) My theory is that it has something to do with either (a) selective services or (b)...
  11. V

    Wow! Charleston, WV processing July'04 cases

    According to their website, Charleston, WV is currently working on N400 case submitted in July of 2004! Could this be the most efficient local service center in the country? I wish I applied in WV...
  12. V

    Vermont Timeline

    Yeah, I think it is completely unrealistic to expect to be interviewed in Feb-March timeframe given that PD is Sep-04. You will be lucky if your interview letter arrives in 12 months (in Sep-05). For example, my PD is Feb-04, FP were done in March-04. I don't expect anything before the end of...
  13. V

    Play N-400 timing game!

    People are already doing this, but in threads specific to their service centers and/or local offices. I think this make more sense because of the big differences in processing times between offices from different parts of the country. Just do a little search on this forum and you will find it.
  14. V

    FP at Alexandria, VA facility?

    >> All N-400 questions, english verification etc. will only be done at the time of interview. How come then some people are offered to take English tests right after FP? I don't know the details, but I definetely remember that at least one person said that he was offered English tests right...
  15. V

    FP at Alexandria, VA facility?

    I believe that sometimes English tests are offered right after FP appointments. I remember a person decribed this situation when he went to do FP at Baltimore office. I thought that it might be the case at other facilities too. So, are you saying that there is no chance a test will be...
  16. V

    FP at Alexandria, VA facility?

    Thanks! Do they also offer to take English test right after FP, as in some other places?
  17. V

    FP at Alexandria, VA facility?

    I've got an appointment for FP and was surprised to see that I need to go to INS Huntington, 8850 Richmond Hwy., in Alexandria, VA. I never knew that there is an INS office there. Is it a new facility? How busy is it? (My appointment is for Friday, at 12pm.)
  18. V

    Is this common -- check cashed, no receipt?

    lecinq, Just an update. We just returned from vacation and found two letters from INS in our mailbox -- one for me and one for my wife -- for FP appointment, on April 9.
  19. V

    N400 Receipt with Exception - why?

    Just got the receipt notices for my and my wife's N-400 applications submitted to Vermont at the end of January. My wife's notice is a simple one: "... application has been received by our office and is in process." However my receipt notice says in addition: ".. but has been noted with one...
  20. V

    Is this common -- check cashed, no receipt?

    lecinq Well, I just checked mine again with the same number (by zero-filling between ESC* and the handwritten number on the check) and my status mysteriously appeared on BCIS website! I am 100% sure that I used the same number when I tried to check the status about a week ago and it was not...