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  1. K

    02-118 approved

    Approved on June 9th 2nd Fp May ,2004 No RFE EB3
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    02-118 Dependent Got rfe

    This morning I got 2 emails from USCIS both have same contents...It is regarding RFE generation for my Wife...May be due to Uncomplete medical tests .. Nothing for me ...My case status says the same "Fp RcvD" ..Touch date for both the cases are June 7th
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    status update of feb2002 cases

    WAC-02-118 Got 2nd FP notice(Yesterday) for me and my spouse...
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    RFE for my spouse.

    May be they won't issue RFE for you as they seem to avoid RFEs these days... What is ur FP dates?
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    Project Kashmir supporting thread: analysis, suggestion, question, comment, etc

    Also, most of approvals of LATE FEBRUARY 2002 cases in this week are without RFE. They completed second fingerprint early this year. Kashmir, This means Feb filers with expired FP has to wait ?? I hope thay start approving with Expired FP also..............
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    Feb2002 to Aug 2002 post your touch dates for 485s including dependents

    WAC02118-EB3--04/07/04 WAC02118-EB3-04/07/04 I don't know if this date implies something or not
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    EAD Approvals Tracker

    Scoprpiaon One more question ......Did you get the receipt from INS when you apply ead first time (Jan 05) ...Did the On line enquiry showed ur receipt status? My online enquiry is showing that this application is recvd on Feb 3rd.....My lawyer is in touch with Some IO and as per IO...
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    EAD Approvals Tracker

    ScorpionKin Thanks! In case they ask for payment ,rcv date of application will be the old one or the day they rcv the payment....I noticed u stated in ur approval that first u applied on jan 05 and then u sent the fee again on Jan 19th and rcv date= Jan 23....?? Thanks
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    E file EAD ..Got the receipt but Credit card not charged yet

    yl8401 Not yet..I keep checkig my CC transactions online ..How did you use to check ur cc..Online or phone and after how much time they charged your cc?
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    E file EAD ..Got the receipt but Credit card not charged yet

    yl8401 Any update on your case? Did they charged ur credit card yet?
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    EAD Approvals Tracker

    Scorpionkin My lawyer efiled on Feb 3rd and My cc hasn't been charged yet..I have the recpts and did the fp also...What was ur problem...Do u think I have to refile??
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    E file EAD ..Got the receipt but Credit card not charged yet

    YI8401, Not yet..Mine was applied on Feb 3rd..My lawyer is talking to IIO about it ...As per IIO as long as we have receipt we shouldn't worrey but as per IIO she will look into it...Didi you get the receipt from Service center ?? One wiered thing is that when I use Phone to enquire about the...
  13. K

    Shall I re apply EAD?

    My lawyer applied my Ead renewal on Feb 3rd ..It was Efile and We got the receipt also..I did the FP and Photos also at ASC But My CC hasn't been charged yet..We site shows this application was rcvd on 3rd feb etc...but 80 number inquiry says "Due to Temp Fault in system we couldn't tell u the...
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    i EAD at santa An/Los Angles

    Govgc, Ok could you please post once ur account has been charged... I got the receipts etc didi fingerprinting also but money hasn't been charged...I am afraid mau be later on they will reject the application...
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    i EAD at santa An/Los Angles

    gOVgc, What didi u use while filing E file ..Credit card or checking account? I filed on Feb 3rd using CC and my Card hasn't been charged yet...
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    Mail delay @CSC ????

    I applied on line on 3rd of Feb got the recipt from CSC in 5 days but my CC hasn't been charged yet...
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    E file EAD ..Got the receipt but Credit card not charged yet

    Its been 9 days and they haven't charged my cc yet...anyone in the same boat?
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    E File EAD --Credit card not charged

    My lawyer efiled my EAD renewal and used my Credit Card on Feb 3rd...My lawyer got the receipts from CSC also ...I have done the finger printing and phtos also with ASC but I notice my Credit card hasn't been charged yet...Any suggestions?
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    E file EAD ..Got the receipt but Credit card not charged yet

    My lawyer filed Renewal of EAD on Feb 3rd ...They used my credit card ...My Finger printing and photo have been done at ASC but I notice that My credit card has not been charged yet....How many days does it take before they take money from CC...