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  1. V

    German Airport Transit Visa not needed if you have valid US Visa

    I think there is little confusion ( or maybe it was just me) about the need for German Transit Visa. Indian citizens do not require transit visa for Germany if you hold valid US visa. See exception #1 for...
  2. V

    Looking for Business Partners / Idea(s): (non-immigration related)

    Note: this is not immigration related and not a job offer. Read only if you have small business on your mind (in future). Looking for Business Partners / Idea(s): ============================ I am looking for talented partner(s) and/or Business Ideas. I have some ideas of my own and I can...
  3. V

    Looking for Business Partners / Idea(s):

    Looking for Business Partners / Idea(s): I am looking for talented partner(s) and/or Business Ideas. I have some ideas of my own and I can share with you if you are interested. If you have any ideas, we can discuss those as well. Basically, this is the scenario. Economy is finally bottoming...
  4. V

    This is the solution to all problems

    First, to all folks who don't belong to south asia region, pardon me for raking up an issue that is not totally immigration related. This is the solution to all problems in india: 1) Make tough implementations of laws to make sure the rights and dignity of all people in india...
  5. V

    ABCD and FOBs. Here you go

    I know there are things in every category that most of you won't like and i'll get hate-messages from fellow memebers. But what the heck.. here it goes, Help yourself: Category FOBs high grade: You are a high grade FOB if- 1. you don't know what NHL, NBA and NFL stands for 2. word...
  6. V

    FYI: Audit has begun at VSC, to Last til Oct 8

    INS Begins its Annual SWIP Audit For the third consecutive year, INS offices are in the process of conducting their annual audit. As of September 23, 2002, general file movement will be restricted until the audit is completed. The...
  7. V

    October cases?

    Is VSC also processing October cases in parallel ?? Any ideas guys? Does anyone know of any recent solid approval thru friend or something?
  8. V

    Some food for thought

    Here is what I've noticed on this forum: =========================== Stage 1: people who just filed their I-485 and got EAD, AP etc within a month or two: - Who says INS is slow? VSC is really fast - Things are speeding up Things look rosy because you keep getting all kind of...
  9. V

    Some forward looking activity

    It seems some guys ( even with RD in October) are getting interview date at local INS around second half of august. That way there will be some october guys getting approved this month. Thats a positive setp in the right direction.
  10. V

    Hardly any approvals lately

    It sucks to see such low number of approvals lately. CSC is much more efficient than VSC (partly because no of cases at VSC are more) and looks like VSC will break the barrier of one year for touching an I485 case. On the positive side, after every such lull in approvals, there has been a...
  11. V

    New October approval on Rupnet

    But before you guys get excited, it seems user entered his info under wrong month. His ND is 10/01 and EAC # EAC-02-001-5* So looks like thats an aug approval. I am expecting Sept and October approvals to start this/next week. (50% approval on rupnet for august. When there was 50%...
  12. V

    Train(VSC) has started to move onto next stop(Sept/Oct)

    Guys.. it took full 11 months for first Sept approval to come ( longest wait for any month in past year or so). Hopefully wait from here on will only decrease (not increase). August filers- your cases might already be in the final stages..maybe in 4-5 days most of you will hear good news.
  13. V

    Is VSC preparing for parallel Sept/Oct processing

    Has anyone noticed a lull in approvals during past 4-5 days? Looks like VSC is working behind closed doors to finish most of august cases as fast as they can. I am expecting next wave of august approvals in next 4-5-6 days. After that VSC might start sept and october cases in parallel to...
  14. V

    more troubles for immigrants

    well it seems its only the beginning: 1) Minnesota: for all MN licenses , if you happen to be non-citizen, then it will have a line printed on license: "check status" and date when visa expires. So that when you are pulled over by trooper.. they can check your license more seriously if...
  15. V

    Rupnet Admin

    I know you've done a great job with but I have one concern and I hope everyone takes it positively. Sometimes you've been adding data on yourself ( taking info from this forum). There is a chance that some of those users might already have updated their...
  16. V

    Its official : Notify address Address change within 10 days

    Its official : Notify address change within 10 days Attorney General (John Ashcroft) has announced that the INS intends to make the notification of change of address mandatory for ALL foreigners, immigrants and non-immigrants alike. This rule has been on books for many years.. but yesterday...