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  1. L

    UP coming visa bulletin of month February:

    ok sorry , but i am selected from the first draw , 1 may
  2. L

    UP coming visa bulletin of month February:

    i think question like this make me foolish one , and i feel you are dis qualified me ? just know i am tilling you you are expert dont let me change my mind about you i found a lot of valuable info on this site , valuable info connected to valuable team , but i think you should rise your attitude...
  3. L

    UP coming visa bulletin of month February:

    from the first time they draw the numbers , why its weird question ?
  4. L

    UP coming visa bulletin of month February:

    i assume you r great all of you , i am reading the msj's it is valuable i think you should pupblish your info more and more lets all the dv 2014 get befenite of this information and i think you are expert team , all the luck ,
  5. L

    January VB numbers released!!!

    hi there , happy to in joy the group , i am asian dv 2014 ,
  6. L

    UP coming visa bulletin of month February:

    hi for every body her i just found this forum it was a amazing info provided her i a, dv 2014 Asian , i think most Asian should know about this forum coz i think most of them using another websites , i just hit this forum i was reading there is a lot on info to share and to use it for every one...