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  1. G

    DV-2014 Lottery High number or not? Please help.

    Thank you so much Sloner, I will try to translate it with google and read the whole thing. Thanks again!! you gave me hope, because apparently my number was to high to be called. Regards
  2. G

    DV 2014 - South America and The Caribbean winners

    Si a mi tambien me gusto mas este foro, exacto tu explicacion de huecos es mas adecuada. Yo no sabia nada de los numeros altos hasta que vi el foro que te mencione, pense que todos teniamos la entrevista y pues logicamente unos eliminados otros no, logicamente los muy altos corrian ese riesgo...
  3. G

    DV 2014 - South America and The Caribbean winners

    Gracias Veronice!! Igualmente estoy a la orden, como te comente he estado en varios foros, y muchos coinciden con lo que acabas de mencionar, he hablado con muchas personas que han sido aprobados en la entrevista, Dios quiera que a todos nos salga bien. Por lo que vi tu tambien estas preguntando...
  4. G

    DV-2014 Lottery High number or not? Please help.

    Thanks for your reply Sloner. May I ask how do you calculate or estimate the appointment? Do you consider it is actually a high number? Thanks again
  5. G

    DV-2014 Lottery High number or not? Please help.

    Good evening Raevsky, My case number is between 1400 and 1500 for South America, according to your messages I could see that I am borderline. What would be the estimated month to receive the notification for the appointment and the actual interview in the scenario my number will get current...
  6. G

    DV 2014 - South America and The Caribbean winners

    Hola Veronice, he estado leyendo varios foros, y veo que en este no han respondido mas, queria saber si has escuchado algo nuevo acerca de los altos numeros en dv lottery. Yo tambien soy de Venezuela, y tenemos un numero entre 1400 y 1500. Lo que mas me extrana de los foros, es que no hay...
  7. G

    DV-2014 Lottery High number or not? Please help.

    Good evening Raevsky, My case number is between 1400 and 1500 for South America, according to your messages I could see that I am borderline. What would be the estimated month to receive the notification for the appointment and the actual interview in the scenario my number will get current...