Search results

  1. K

    DV 2014 - Africa winners

    bad luck looks like all somalis have high numbers . I guess our luck sucks CN : 2014AF00100xxx NAT: somali residence : jordan
  2. K

    DV 2014 Won - Is my number too high?

    does high CN mean late interview? hi my case number is very high CN : 2014AF00100xxx do i have a chance of getting an interview? and if i am given an interview will i be the last one ?? i read a 1000 times and i still dont understand what the cut offs and currents mean please help thanx
  3. K

    DV 2014 - Africa winners

    what is my chance of getting visa?? CN: 2014AF00100xxx (somali) I know my number is very high what is my chance of getting an interview or visa?