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  1. P

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Received our OCI cards/Passport with Visa yesterday..
  2. P

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Our OCI shows up as received from Delhi now.. Will send in our passports for U Visa stamping tomorrow
  3. P

    OCI vs. PIO Comparison - Advantages and Disadvantages

    Also PIO is usually(not always) faster than OCI
  4. P

    Misc. OCI Application Questions

    I do not think it will be any faster or slower but if entire family is eligible to apply for OCI, it makes sense to send in all applications as family. If not anything, its easier, one cashier check for OCI fee and one for mailing fee.
  5. P

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    I had sent it via USPS priority mail and it was received by the embassy fine. I find it odd that the embassy would not receive the package. Was it delivered on a holiday or a Saturday? Did USPS say why they would not accept it?
  6. P

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Our OCI applications were finally acknowledged today Nov 19
  7. P

    Misc. OCI Application Questions

    Applying for self and infant son.. Hi I had sent in my OCI application for myself, wife and infant son back in October to DC embassy. It has not been acknowledged yet but I am thinking they will send the application back since my wife dropped her middle name when she got naturalized leading...
  8. P

    Misc. OCI Application Questions

    IMPORTANT NOTICE TO OCI CARD HOLDERS OCI card holders traveling to India are advised to carry the Passport containing U Visa sticker and OCI Card to avoid problems at Immigration check points in India. In case registered OCI has obtained a new passport, kindly ensure to carry the passport...
  9. P

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Congrats.. It almost took 5 months for you.. I guess I have long wait ahead:)
  10. P

    Name change during naturalization is causing problem with OCI processing

    My wife has the same issue.. She had her father's middle name in the Indian passport, but she decided to drop it in the Naturalization certificate and hence the US passport does not have the middle name. We went ahead and sent the OCI applications earlier this month without any affidavits or...
  11. P

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    I had sent in my OCI applications early October.. I understand DC Embassy takes 50-60 days to even acknowledge the application.. Question.. For folks whose applications are now being acknowledged, when did you mail in the applications?
  12. P

    Misc. OCI Application Questions

    The embassy/Consulate website has the info you are looking for. Here it is for DC Embassy
  13. P

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Adding my details Sent in OCI applications for self, wife and infant son to Indian Embassy in DC on Oct 6 which were received by the embassy today
  14. P

    Signature on Certificate of Naturalization

    Agreed.. I had signed my usual signature(no last name) on the photos during N-400 interview but had signed full name on the naturalization certificate. I was worried a bit when I applied for passport wondering if that would be a problem. But its not. I got my US passport in the mail today
  15. P

    How long did it take for your passport to arrive (NON-expediated request)...

    Received passport book.. still waiting for passport card and certificate of naturalization to be returned.
  16. P

    How long did it take for your passport to arrive (NON-expediated request)...

    See a status change on DOS website(finally!) Your passport application is in the final processing stages. Your passport application locator number is xxxxxxxxxx. When you applied, you requested Routine Service. This means you should receive your passport on or about 09/06/2009.
  17. P

    Signature on Certificate of Naturalization

    During my N-400 interview, the IO asked me to sign the photographs with no special instructions and I signed like the way I normally sign(not full name). But on the naturalization certificate, I signed my full name. From what I understand, it should not matter. I have applied for my passport...
  18. P

    Expedite passport fee

    I had sent in my application on July 30(regular) and still waiting(I am in no hurry but would have it sooner rather than later:). Question for those who applied and have already gotten the passports. Did the online status on State department website change for you guys before you received...
  19. P

    Raleigh/Durham NC - N-400 Timeline

    I would say it depends on your case complexity. I had a simple case (employment based GC) and all I took was my driver license, passport and green card. At our interview, almost everybody had thick files in their hands. I suppose it does not hurt to carry everything possible to the interview.