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  1. R

    Barcode Sheet ?

    yea there is , F***!!! thats so not fair :(
  2. R

    Barcode Sheet ?

    There isn't a second draw as far as i know
  3. R

    Barcode Sheet ?

    Thanks Jayo2k. I guess I'll go ahead and post the forms then. You dont have to write the case number on the envelope do you ?
  4. R

    Dv-2012 winners from srilanka..........................

    Hi Chamalka, I tried doing it , but you can only chose one check box . So if i chose College no degree, its not letting me chose other. Should I just check the box other and explain ?
  5. R

    Dv-2012 winners from srilanka..........................

    Help with forms Hi I got selected for dv 2012 from Srilanka. Im having trouble filling out the education part of the froms. Im currently in university and havent received any degree yet. So what do i put in DSP 122 6b Cerficates received column ? And for school education, do we put...
  6. R

    Barcode Sheet ?

    Hi , Ive been selected for DV 2012. What is a bar code sheet ? Does that mean I include the notification letter with my application ?
  7. R

    Dv 2012

    Hello, I have completed A Levels and O-LEvels .. So do i have to write them in the certificates received section in DSP 122 6b. Or should i just go with a Yes or no ?
  8. R

    DSP-122 no 6b. Did I fill in wrongly?

    DSP122 q6b If im currently in university what do i put on the degrees received part ? Are u sure that this is a simple yes or no question ?