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  1. M

    Travel to Brazil on EU Passport for US Citizen

    Thanks everyone. I appreciate all your responses. Martin
  2. M

    Travel to Brazil on EU Passport for US Citizen

    Thanks, I just called the airline and had them put my UK passport into their system. What's the procedure for using 2 passports - check in with UK passport and clear Brazilian immigration with it? What about travelling back to US - check in with my US passport? Thanks for your help. Martin
  3. M

    Travel to Brazil on EU Passport for US Citizen

    Hi, I will be travelling to Brazil in a couple of weeks time, and need to know if there are any oddities with using 2 passports, and what the sequence of use should be. I've read that it's possible to do this, though there have been arguments both ways to the validity of it. Any help...
  4. M

    Dual citizenship travel related question

    I am also a dual citizen (UK/US) and will be travelling to Brazil in a couple of weeks. No time for a visa. What was the actual outcome of this guys travels - what did he do? I'v heard horror stories when showing both passports. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.