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  1. H

    Confirmation number

    Lets sue the us gov
  2. H

    DV2011 Winners from Indonesia Report Here !!!

    halo teman2.. pinign tanya kalau menerjemahkan dokumen2 dimana di indo ?
  3. H

    How to correctly fill DSP-122 and DS-230 I & II

    in item 33, do we have to translate the type of the educational institutions in our native language to highschool / elementary / university .. ? how far do we have to list all the visits to the us in item 35
  4. H

    Dv 2012

    hey ... anyone know if we are allowed to travel to US while applying ...
  5. H

    DV2011 Winners from Indonesia Report Here !!!

    saya peserta 2012 tapi blum dapat NL di pos, tapi kalau dicek di sudah keluar CN nya beserta barcode dsb. Apa langsung aja kirim DS-122 dan DS-203 , foto , dan NL online nya ya ? kalo boleh tau kapan kita perlu periksa med check? apa bisa dari skarang2 ? dan dokumen polisi mintanya ke...