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  1. 4

    Anybody out there around #src00074##### and still waiting

    No Title Yep, I\'m in the same hell hole. My and my wife\'s numbers are 00-092-xxxxx. I pull out what\'s left of my hair when I see cases from May 2000 being approved. I resigned myself to a long wait back in 1996 when I started, but after 5 years down this path of lunacy, I\'m just about to go...
  2. 4

    TSC Approval

    No Title Thanks for the info, VB, and the rather flowery prose! Just curious - do you always write with a thesaurus handy? No offense, but I always wonder why some of us feel the need to be so verbose when we communicate?
  3. 4

    Assigned To Examiner And Officer

    No Title I wouldn\'t put too much stock in any response the IIOs give out. They probably will say anything to get you off the line and get back to their state of incompetant bliss! Sorry for the rather pessimistic view, but no amount of heuristic or empirical studies have been able to come up...