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  1. W

    Need advise: Discontinued F-1 in home country with US Citizen husband

    Thank you. My husband alone will not be able to travel with the kids. I think there are restrictions on travelling with multiple kids <2yrs old on flights, will need more adults.. Also, they will definitely ask where the mother is, and probbaly can see in their computer my husband exited US and...
  2. W

    Need advise: Discontinued F-1 in home country with US Citizen husband

    Hello, any comments on my last post.. I am stil a bit worried.. Do you guys (Jackolantern, Triple citizen) think this is Ok and less risky?? Just want to get one more confirmation to help me decide .. any other advices ?? thanks for your help..
  3. W

    Need advise: Discontinued F-1 in home country with US Citizen husband

    Thank you for all your advice. A followup. We finsihed talking to the attorney a short while ago, thought i will share it with the forum. Basically, most of conversation was similar to this thread. nothing new. if possible staying in my home country is the safest for me. And If i intend to...
  4. W

    Need advise: Discontinued F-1 in home country with US Citizen husband

    I meant my dad's brother (my uncle) lives in US, which is true. so i could say my dad and are visitng the uncle. but yes, i have a husband who lives in US too, so we will visit and leave without overstaying.. but what are the chances POE officer will believe ? acutally it sounds stupid to my...
  5. W

    Need advise: Discontinued F-1 in home country with US Citizen husband

    So what if i say father is in the US as GC, and I intend to visit and then leave ?? OR If I say father is travelling or something vague like that ? I am being accompanied by my dad during the trip to help with kids, and his brother lives in US too, so we could say i am visiting the uncle. When...
  6. W

    Need advise: Discontinued F-1 in home country with US Citizen husband

    yes. it was N-470. It was approved. So you think it is worth trying to visit US, and do i have a good chance to enter ?? If I do get turned back at POE, will it reflect negatively on the GC or Citizenship application later?? otherwise i would rather spend the cost of these tickets to hire a...
  7. W

    F1 student, husband lied about sponsoring me and now jeopardized my status

    Kaylee: I understand sometimes how hard it is, and I am going through minor issues of my own, but just reading through your responses, I think the best option is to stay with him, get a good attorney, and have your paperwork done by june or the earliest. Assuming in the meantime he is not...
  8. W

    Need advise: Discontinued F-1 in home country with US Citizen husband

    I applied for my visitor visa only a few months back, when my husband was still outside the US for work. At the consulate, the visa officer, actually saw in my application that i was married to a GC holder and have citizen kids, and asked me queastion about it and where my husband lives, and i...
  9. W

    Need advise: Discontinued F-1 in home country with US Citizen husband

    thank you. he was away from US for 18 months. but his company applied for his preservation of residence when he went out on work. and he visited US per his company advice within 6 months everytime so that no issues arise. Before that he has been in US 3.5 yrs (except for 2-3 week vacations a...
  10. W

    Need advise: Discontinued F-1 in home country with US Citizen husband

    hello .. any advice please ?? from my above discribed situation, what would be a better option for me ?? Thnx.
  11. W

    Need advise: Discontinued F-1 in home country with US Citizen husband

    Hello All: Can someone advise on my situation. I was an F-1 student in the US from countryA. And met and married a GC holder from Country B. Marriage in US. We have kids born in US. But due to family reasons, i had to take a leave of absence from studies, and return to my home coutnry A. My...