Search results

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    Reject DV

    If you have the most important papers; good conduct from police, B.A certificate, work experience, good medical examination, sponsor, Job letter in US. is there any reasons to be refused??!!
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    Reject DV

    when Consular refuse DV? what are the reasons?
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    B.A certificate or High school

    Should I present in the interview my high school certificate even i have B.A
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    Police certificate

    You only need certificate General prosecutor's office of Kazakhstan you need police certificate if you have been lived outside Kazakhstan more than 6 month after age 16
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    DV-2010 Winners from Ghana

    To mykoko can you tell us which documents you missed??
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    consular interest!

    who met the consular officer can you tell us what consular interest in while interview? as your experience; which document they interested in? the most important? what they ask? all question plz :o
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    To people who get Visa

    Did you get the Green Card?
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    To people who get Visa

    I want people to tell us their feelings before get visa, and while they are in the interview?
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    To people who get Visa

    Is it normal to feel tension while preparing all documents??
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    To winners who met consulate officer.

    Hello please any person who met the consulate tell us if the consulate asks DV winner to present "more than one evidence" to meet public charge in US, I mean; if you present Affidavit of support I-134, did the consulate ask you about employment letter, or own Funds? please if you...
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    Is employment letter enough pleaaaase answer

    is employment letter with I-134 enough for interview? please people who has any experience answer me
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    Affidavit of support, Help me

    isn't enough to have employment letter with I-134 i have nothing in my account only salary per-month
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    Affidavit of support, Help me

    i have nothing in my account only salary
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    Affidavit of support, Help me

    Hi everyone is it enough to bring Affidavit support I-134 and employment letter for consular interview, or i have to show my own funds?
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    Second letter from KCC

    what are the required documents should i have for consular interview?
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    Second letter from KCC

    Where are you from?
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    Second letter from KCC

    Hi Everybody, Is there anyone from Asia below case number 7000 got second letter from KCC?? please if there anyone let us know.