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  1. P

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    OCI Stamping Delay Good News from me! I finally received both my Daughter's and my passports with OCI documents today in the same FedEx return envelope I sent 5 weeks ago. It took me several unanswered phone calls; one answered call stating that they don't have any passports pending that long...
  2. P

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    OCI Stamping Delay Thanks USGC485 for your response. I appreciate you taking the time to post eventhough you are practicaly done with this passport/OCI business and anxiety. Reponses and insights from fellow posters like you atleast gives a sense of "sharing the pain with someone" which reduces...
  3. P

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    OCI Stamping Delay Thanks for the reply. Friday, I managed to talked to a person in the OCI department at DC embassy. He said that they have no passports pending for 3 weeks. When I told him that I have proof of my passports delivered to the embassy on 09/22 and I have not got them back nor...
  4. P

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    OCI Stamping Delay Great going USGC485! I had sent my daughter's and my passport to DC embassy on Sep 22nd for OCI stamping via FedEx. I have attached a pre-paid FedEx return envelope as well. Till date I have not received the passports after stamping. I am afraid if mine is lost at the...