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  1. R

    Norfolk, VA timeline and N400 related Q

    Thanks and congratulations to you both too. Yes, we were assigned different seats and I think that was because of different last names. Not sure but wondered why of all we were seated separately. I asked the question in another post about whether we could go with infants and based on the...
  2. R

    Norfolk, VA timeline and N400 related Q

    I posted my experience in your post as well. It all went smooth and had a good experience. My number was 09 and I was the one with a little one on lap :). I think I now remember you (we entered the building for oath behind you).
  3. R

    Norfolk, VA timeline and N400 related Q

    I was there too yesterday and my experience was similar. Being a small DO the officers were very friendly and it all went very smooth. RichmondVA gave a very detailed overview of how it was and I was going to give mine in couple of sentences. I took the interview around 9 AM which started...
  4. R

    Norfolk, VA timeline and N400 related Q

    Let's hope so... Next week we'll know. Good luck with your interview.
  5. R

    Taking infant for the citizenship interview in SFO

    I'm in a similar situation but with a 13 month. Our drive to interview location is 2+ hours and daycare wont' open by the time we are planning to leave home. Though we plan to leave our child with friends until day care opens (and they can leave there), this seems a better option. Hope our DO...
  6. R

    Norfolk, VA timeline and N400 related Q

    Received IL today and my interview date is same... :-)
  7. R

    Norfolk, VA timeline and N400 related Q

    Under customer portfolio, I have list of cases listed and there is a column for last updated... And I'm not talking about the page last updated info. For each case, there is a last updated column. Do you have something else?
  8. R

    Norfolk, VA timeline and N400 related Q

    Since 8/25, when I check everyday the online status date is getting updated to that day. Even now, it shows 8/28/2009:confused: Hoping to see IL soon:)
  9. R

    Norfolk, VA timeline and N400 related Q

    Our dates are almost same and hope we see IL soon. Thanks for the update.
  10. R

    Norfolk, VA timeline and N400 related Q

    I think they stopped same day oath recently but not sure. Each case may be different. What was you YL about? I got emails from USCIS and updated signature accordingly. Waiting for IL...
  11. R

    Norfolk, VA timeline and N400 related Q

    Glad to see activity about Norfolk and here's my details...