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  1. N

    Following-to-join benefits for spouses

    I have a question on following up benefits for spouces. We won DV2010 with my husband and my husband is getting his visa on monday.I can't get mine because my meds were put on hold for 8 weeks.So when I'll get my meds the 2010 dv will have been closed is there away I can get the benefit?
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    visa issuing expires before I get mine

    We did interview with my husband.We were dv winners 2010 and my husband was main medicals delayed and i'll get the medical the second week of Occtober.Is there something we can do after getting my medicals so that I can get my visa or is there something my husband will do when he...
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    Thanks but still need more advice.

    Thanks, My husband is the primary applicant.Myself am the benefeciary.At the IOM we were told that those people who are HIV positive have to go TB test and it hast to be 8 weeks coz they are doing culture.Infact to myside my xray was good even the doctor said so but they insisted that its there...
  4. N

    need advice please

    thanks for your reply bt it depends which country ur rm for the medicals to be for 1 thanks.
  5. N

    need advice please

    Labora2, Thanks, My husband is the primary applicant.Myself am the benefeciary.At the IOM we were told that those people who are HIV positive have to go TB test and it hast to be 8 weeks coz they are doing culture.Infact to myside my xray was good even the doctor said so but they insisted...
  6. N

    need advice please

    Dv2010 my visa inteview was on monday 30th of August. Me and my husband went to the interview though my results were not ready coz am HIV positive and the doctor said I had to go Tb screen test which takes 8 weeks.So when we went to interview on monday the officer who took our certifcates...
  7. N

    visa interview please advice

    my visa inteview was on monday 30th of August. Me and my husband went to the interview though my results were not ready coz am HIV positive and the doctor said I had to go Tb screen test which takes 8 weeks.So when we went to interview on monday the officer who took our certifcates asked as...
  8. N

    dv 2010 winners from kenya

    Kenyans for sure we need to share the experiences those who have gone for interview for 1020..please share your experience us going for interview on 30th August next month.We need more advice on question for married couples. Our case number 2010AF00057864
  9. N

    bonfide Marraige

    Please any DV 2010 winner from Kenya or elsewhere help us...our interview is sheduled 30th of August and wht we have as evidence of our marriage is the marriage caertifcate nad some few photos of which we were taken when getting certificate.Please advice me what more should I get coz we have...
  10. N

    Medical examination

    Thanks for the advice coz I was worried coz the last time when medical was done at sarit centre..HIV was a must..and if positive ur were not given results but they were sent to Embassy Direct...Let e ask again???What if I know my status as like I am positive should I inform the physician that am...
  11. N

    Medical examination

    To all those Kenyans who have have gone for the medical test this year 2010..can you please tell us if the HIV test is on the list of diseases to be tested for since its ban was lifted????let me know coz the form I have shows that its a among them but ma not sure whether its done ......advice.
  12. N

    HIV and Green card.

    need advice, won a green card as couple...our case is current in just afraid because I went recently for medical check up and I was found positive but my husband negative.Although we were married in the year 2007 in the attorney chambers of Kenya and we have a marriage...
  13. N

    visa Denial

    Dear all. Please help and advice accordingly. my boyfriend won dv lottery 2007.After that he added me as the wife .we were scheduled for interview on 28th jan 2008.After all process as in medical we went for the to our surprise ...the CO a back a merican woman who interviewed us...
  14. N

    Denial of visa.

    Hellos,,wish u can give me some advice...Me and my husband won the Dl after the medical exams my wive's results were the result were delayed a bit so we had to change out interview date.After going for interview the procedure was as usual and we paid the interviw fee of...
  15. N

    DV 2009 lucky kenyan winners

    ok thanks for ur message i have read on the site.I am a lucky winner though I haven't received the appointment forms coz its just when I have sent them back.When i get them i'll get back to email addres is intouch please.