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  1. C

    Question about letter from US Embassy received 2 weeks before interview!

    So the story is my parents came over to study (my mother from 8 years old, my father at the age 19 for University) in the UK.... While they were over here there was a war in Cyprus and both my parents homes were occupied and held by Turkish forces, so they could not return, making them...
  2. C

    Question about letter from US Embassy received 2 weeks before interview!

    What kind of documentation could I show to prove any of this? They have British passports now which show their place of birth, but how can I prove they were not residents at a certain time? I really don't understand how this has happened, and I'm pretty sure that when I read the form...
  3. C

    Question about letter from US Embassy received 2 weeks before interview!

    Hi guys, When I originally entered the lottery I did so using both my parents birthplace, as I was born in Great Britain, but they were born in Cyprus... I made this clear on every form I sent in, but this morning I received a letter stating that upon reviewing my forms they realised I...
  4. C

    London Interview - Birth Certificate/Other questions

    Hi guys, So I have finally found out that my interview is scheduled for the beginning of November in London, and I just had my medical the other day and got all the necessary vaccinations etc... I have just received the 2nd letter (after having done all of this) and it mentions that the...
  5. C

    I-134 or I-864 for Affidavit of Support???

    Hi guys, First of all let me say thanks to everyone who has helped in answering all my questions so far... Its quite a daunting thing filling out all these forms, but I gotta say, you guys have made it a helluva lot easier! Whats confusing me now is that I don't understand the difference...
  6. C

    Poverty and Affidavit of Support

    On a side note, I approached an Immigration Attorney in London and explained I had a few questions about this subject.... She said it was going to cost at least £750-1000.... Damn
  7. C

    Poverty and Affidavit of Support

    Hi guys, I am slightly confused as to what I have to show financially at my upcoming interview in London. My bank account does not have $10000 in it, but I have access to that money through friends that owe me, and business investments... I also have over $6000 worth of shares with eTrade...
  8. C

    Might be out of the country for Interview!

    Hi guys, I just spoke to KCC a few hours ago as they told me that the details would be released today... According to them as I have a low case number (2009EU00003XXX) in Europe, they said that I my interview would be scheduled for sometime in October, in London... My problem is the...
  9. C

    Can I visit the US on vacation if I am through to stage 2?

    Tazmania "Dont know when you travel, but US embassy adivsed not to do so after October, 1." Do you know what is the reason for that is Tazmania?
  10. C

    OK to Travel to the US while being considered for DV2009?

    You know what.... I actually asked this question a couple of months back, and totally forgot to follow it up... Having remembered just now I have seen many responses to the original post answering my now repeated question! Really sorry about that guys, but the other questions regarding...
  11. C

    OK to Travel to the US while being considered for DV2009?

    Hi guys, I won DV2009 and sent of all my paperwork back to the KCC in May, since then I have heard nothing from. I live in Europe and my case number was in the 4000's. My question is this... I was thinking of going out to the US for a few weeks at the end of September till the middle of...
  12. C

    Hi mate, was just wondering on one of things you mentioned in your post about interview day in...

    Hi mate, was just wondering on one of things you mentioned in your post about interview day in London... I am from London and have got through to the next round of DV2009, just waiting for an interview date. But you mentioned an affidavit of support or something like that.. What is that? And do...
  13. C

    Can I visit the US on vacation if I am through to stage 2?

    Hi guys, I have been selected under the DV2009 scheme and sent off my paperwork about a month ago... I have a very low case number in the 5000's so expecting an interview sooner rather than later... My question is, can I still travel to and from the states while I am being considered? I am...