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  1. C

    San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Received my oath letter today, for the August 14 ceremony at Santa Clara County Fairground. My priority date is 9/10/07, and my interview date was 6/24/08. I hope everyone who is still waiting gets theirs soon.
  2. C

    San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Damn... my interview and priority dates are exactly the same as yours... but my oath letter hasn't arrived yet. Hopefully soon!
  3. C

    Relinquished US citizenship - treated any differently?

    Thanks for your reply, I guess I was just looking for some reassurance. The only reason I can think of to potentially give up US citizenship would be to avoid forever having to deal with US taxes should I one day move back to my home country (Australia). So hopefully such a drastic action...
  4. C

    Relinquished US citizenship - treated any differently?

    Sorry if this has already been discussed, I searched but couldn't find anything. This is purely a hypothetical question out of curiosity, I'm not even a US citizen yet, although I will be later this year if all goes well. I'm just wondering that if someone were to relinquish their US...