Search results

  1. M

    RD 12/23/98 ND 1/4/99 485 approved; Anyone <2/99ND Please Read

    No Title The criteria I used is the number of constituents served by a Senator/Congressman. In a state like Massachusetts there are 10 congressmen and 2 senators. So Senators offices will be lot more occupied. In this case cotacting the congressmen\'s office will be better. On the other hand in...
  2. M

    RD 12/23/98 ND 1/4/99 485 approved; Anyone <2/99ND Please Read

    No Title Category: EB1-Outstanding Researcher I am from Boston area Use the site It has the list of all senators/congressmen and the ability to locate them based on your zip code. Good Luck
  3. M

    RD 12/23/98 ND 1/4/99 485 approved; Anyone <2/99ND Please Read

    Hi Everyone, I am really really glad to be posting this message. It has been a very testing experience RD 12/23/98 ND 1/4/99 FP 5/99 485 Approved 8/11/2000 NO RFE After seeing April-June 99 approvals, I contacted the local congressman\'s office and I spoke to a representative there...
  4. M

    98 Waiters Pl post your details

    No Title RD 12/98 FP 5/99 NO Response so far.
  5. M

    Strategy for people with <2/99 Notice Date; What can and should be done

    Mine is 12/23/98RD and 1/4/99 ND, 5/99 FP. Nothing so far. Everytime I call it is the same response. Your case is under processing. I am really frustrated. What should one do??? Let\'s get the discussion going Contacting Senator or Congressman?? Lawsuit?? What will happen if the finger...
  6. M

    hanging from a very thin thread

    No Title Mine is rd 12/23/98 FP 5/99 NO Progress so far. I am also extremely frustrated and disgusted at the state VSC has put me into. After waiting for over a year and a half it is tremendously upsetting to see 7/99 approvals.
  7. M

    Any PRE-4/99 still waiting?? Called IIO?? Please post

    No Title rd 12/23/98 nd 1/4/99 fp 5/99 No Response so far
  8. M

    Anyone with ND1/99 Still Pending?

    No Title Any Changes for any of you. Mine is nd 1/4/99 and still waiting. Nothing so far. Thanks
  9. M

    Anybody with ND1/99 still waiting?

    No Title Mine rd 12/23/98 nd 1/4/99 still waiting no response so far