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  1. V

    Passport stamping at Philadelphia

    We got our passports stamped today at Philadelphia office. We arrived there at about noon, took the number, went out to get photographs done (truck parked in front of the office), had a sandwich nearby, and returned to INS office. We were almost late, as our nuber was called only few minites...
  2. V

    I-485 ND12/98 approved!

    No Title Yes, message changed 4 days after we fedexed requested materials (we fedexed materials on 6/23, message changed on 6/27).
  3. V

    I-485 ND12/98 approved!

    No Title Mi smo u Filadelfiji, Pensilvania. Nadam se cete imati vise srece sa VSC-om nego mi :-)) Good luck! Srecno!
  4. V

    I-485 ND12/98 approved!

    Finally, we\'ve been approved! The message changed today into "Your case has been approved on 7/10/2000" for both me and my husband. Details: country: Yugoslavia I-140 approved on 10/98; I-485: RD: 11/27/98; ND: 12/4/98;(both of us) FP(for me): 6/15/99; my husband one week...
  5. V

    RFE Receipt Message !! folks need help to understand !!

    No Title We are in the same boat: received RFE on 6/22 (request for letter of employ. and G325) and we fedexed materials on 6/23. The message changed on 6/27 into: " we recieveded is taking between 90-180 days..but..blah, blah...180 days". Same message you got, on the...
  6. V

    rfe papers not received

    No Title We recieved (lawyer) our RFE 3 days after the message changed. Maybe they need to mail your RFE again. Anyways, the old message said to call officer if RFE doesn\'t arrive within 14 days. Hope this helps. good luck
  7. V

    rfe papers not received

    No Title Message changed to RFE on 6/19, and it said to call back if I don\'r receive in mail RFE within 14 days. Afterwards, my lawyer received RFE on 6/22. We fedexed materials on 6/23. Message changed on 6/27 to "we received materials..blah, blah". Since then, nothing and...
  8. V

    RFE material received-wait another 90-180 days??

    No Title My I-485 RD: 11/29/98; ND: 12/4/98. FP: 6/15/99. RFE message: 6/19/00; received RFE on 6/23/00; sent off materials by Fedex on 6/24/00; message changed on 6/27/00. Now wait for...who nows how long.
  9. V

    RFE material received-wait another 90-180 days??

    Dear board memebers, I received RFE last Thursday (6/22). My lawyer send off requested employment letter and G-325 last Friday (6/23). Today (6/27) automated message at VSC changed- it says "we recieved necessary materials. It will take 90-180 days to process". Is this for real...
  10. V

    Where are all the 98 waiters?

    No Title It is also frustrating for us to hear that same message - "...since the preliminary processing is done it will take: 180 days to process..\' Since they changed the message (6/27) , our hopes were up, and we\'ve been calling afterhours everyday...I am afraid that our excitement...
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    Where are all the 98 waiters?

    No Title We are still here-ND: 12/98; RFE: 6/19/00; still waiting....
  12. V

    VSC EB2 msg changed to ref sent on 6/22

    No Title Three days ago the automated message for I-485 changed into "RFE sent out". Our lawyer recieved the note today. They are asking for G-325 update (biography form update, since we moved twice during the processing) and employment letter. Our details: VSC I-485 country...
  13. V

    Processing by FP date

    No Title This is what I meant. After receiving the notice from VSC that VSC got your I-485 (I485 RD & ND), person normaly waits between 3-7 months to get another notice- a FP request notice. So you find person with I485 RD/ND anywere from say October 98 to April 99 giving fingerprints in...
  14. V

    Processing by FP date

    It seems to me that VSC is processing I-485 by FP date. Regardless what your ND date is (anywere from October 98 to April 99), you\'ll be processed only when your FP date becomes current. At this moment this seems to be 6/99. The only question is what determens when your FP-request notice is...
  15. V

    Fresh VSC approval survey!

    No Title SC, I485 ID: 11/29/98, ND: 12/4/98; FL 6/99; EB1-other. The automated message changed on 6/19/00 - Request for additional evidence (RE) has been sent off on 6/19/00.Waiting to receive the notice and collecting pay-stabs, FIT returns and other goodies :-)) .
  16. V

    Anyone VSC RD/ND Oct-Nov98 waiting?

    No Title We checked autaomated message today (6-19) for me and my husband. Mine changed to RFE was sent on 6-19, while my husbands remained the same. I am primary aplicant. Now we are waiting... as soon as we get the actual notice we will post what it said. Details for both of us: I-485...