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  1. T

    Long Frustration Finally Over!!! ND 10/02/00

    It was a long frustration time. EB2 China PD 10/98 RD 09/00 ND 10/00 There are a lot of emotional moment during the whole process which can be edited as a book that I am just going to skip them today. The case has been with officer for more than two months. I called IIO yesteray...
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    Tracking Approval Notice

    srp, where do you live?  
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    Tracking Approval Notice

    Documents needed for stamping I am waiting for the approval notice. In the meantime, can anyone told me what to bring with me and my wife for the passport stamping other than the passport(for sure) and approval notice. I also have another question, may be a dumb question. After the stamping...
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    Any OCT ND guys left?

    ND 10/02/00, no RFE, still waiting This morning I tried to call IIO, spend 20 minutes dialing, 45 minutes waiting on the line, no one answer the call. I have to hang up. I am so frustrated for this. EB2 staight forward case. no company name change, no cp.
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    EAD Renewal Questions

    Can anyone answer my questions?  
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    EAD Renewal Questions

    My EAD will expire next month, still no approval, not even RFE. I am going to walk to Phiadelphia office for EAD renewal. Anyone have similiar experiences? What document shall I bring with me? Thank you for your help
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    EAD Renewal Questions

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    ND 10/2000 who have not yet been approved, please reply, let\'s keep track

    Me Too ND 10/02/00, no RFE, no company name change, no CP. Case been with officer for more than 6 weeks. Still waiting.
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    ND 9/2000 - No RFE - Not approved yet. Are there any more september people like me still waiting?

    talk with IIO Just spoke with an IIO this morning after holding for 20 minutes. After talked with here supervisor, she said they are waiting some administration clearance ( I don\'t know what does it mean). pd 10/98, rd 09/05/00, nd 10/02/00, no rfe, still waiting.
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    OCt 2000 ND not yet approved

    me too rd 09/05/00, nd 10/02/00
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    Is anybody ND Sept 2000 still waiting please respond

    I am on the same boat My RD is the same as yours, ND 10/02/00. No RFE. Case has been assigned to officer for more than one month. She said they were waiting for some information from other department of INS. She asked me to call INS every month. Don\'t know how long it will take and dare not to...
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    Is it true that ...

    Keep Your Jo  
  13. T

    Is it true that ...

    Keep you job I think under current economy condition, you need to worry more about keeping you job than PD retrogress.
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    Any 10/00 Chinese Approval

    keep this thread alive  