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    Need your opinion for Eb1A

    Thank you all for the three replies, and these are very helpful. For more of my information: 1. My 11 english articles (including one book-chapter) received 60 citations/repriting reuquests (from 13 countries), and other 12 ones in language other than englsih had 50 citations; 2. I am PI...
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    Need your opinion for Eb1A

    Hey ALL, I am new here, and glad to find this fabulous place. I am working my application, and need your opinion to see if I am close to be approved through Eb1A? my credentials are: 1. review 7 articles for 2 English journals with all evidence, and one letter from editor; 2. 3...
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    my first post: publications and citations in language other than English

    Dear All, This is my first post in this fabulous forum, and I need help from you all: I have 12 publications and the following-up 50 citations in my mother language, obviously i cannot translate them all, how could I display these data in a quick , safe and acceptable way for TSC? Could...