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  1. K

    interview done today.. is my case approved or what? tampa,FL

    Finally Oath letter in my hand after the interview Sep.13th, had car accident with a traffic ticket. changed addresson Oct 19th(my fiance in Iraq kicked me out of the house with no apparent reason, so moved out of the house despite three broken bones). I changed address on line through AR11...
  2. K

    address change after the interview before receiving oath letter

    kikyo here, had my interview done successfully now I am waiting for my oath letter to be received. here is my question, Iam just wondering if it is o.k to change address between interview and oath. if I change my address at a post office,Are they going to forward my mail to my new...
  3. K

    interview done today.. is my case approved or what? tampa,FL accident&traffic ticket..while awaiting oath letter kikyo here,, update info. hard to type one hand here. bear with me. last saturday 1930 hillsborough exit down hill from I 275 car accidentdriving home from work(patient's house) due to break failure. keeps getting faster instead of...
  4. K

    interview done today.. is my case approved or what? tampa,FL

    south tampa,,,Hydepark area. howard and Armenia are one way st. cops are waiting for you.. watch out
  5. K

    interview done today.. is my case approved or what? tampa,FL

    look,, some of youguys are so judgemental,, you don't know in what circumstances I was driving wrong side of the road on oneway street I was not familiar with. I had lasik surgery so I have blurry night vision and am Lightweight I blew 0.035, I had one drink after a hard week of school and big...
  6. K

    interview done today.. is my case approved or what? tampa,FL

    I was under the impression IO was not concerned about my reckless driving record as long as I provide them with termination of probation letter. I gave them certified copy of closing of the case, though. I respect inspector's advice. inspector is very kind and considerate. I really do...
  7. K

    interview done today.. is my case approved or what? tampa,FL

    I assume you only read one paragraph?:D
  8. K

    interview done today.. is my case approved or what? tampa,FL

    I have reckless driving and my ex has custody by the japanese custom I am not even allowed to see my kid...there is no concept of child support. I was 19 yr old sophemore in univ. my ex husband was 36.:mad: IO gave me N-652 pass the test and congratulation letter, but she told me her...
  9. K

    interview done today.. is my case approved or what? tampa,FL

    I don't have a DUI,,was charged of DUI, convicted of reckless driving.
  10. K

    interview done today.. is my case approved or what? tampa,FL

    I was arrested Sep,24 2005 for driving wrong side of the road..under the influence. alcohol level under the legal limit. my driver's license never suspended,finished probation Feb,2006
  11. K

    interview done today.. is my case approved or what? tampa,FL

    Guys, I had my citizenship interview today.. As always they made me guilty with no reason,, you know how they are..the officer greeted me was female. she went over application with me.make sure everything is correct and consistent with paper. I had so much worries for several reasons...
  12. K

    Tampa Timeline?

    is my case approved?.. can I relax or what? Guys, I had my citizenship interview today.. As always they made me guilty with no reason,, you know how they are..the officer greeted me was female. she went over application with me.make sure everything is correct and consistent with paper. I had...