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  1. D

    dv-2008 croatia, serbia or bosnia...

    Hvala Mia22!!!
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    Filling out the forms - please help!

    And how do i attach it? I'm afraid to damage it if I put a paper clip over it to attach it to the forms.
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    Filling out the forms - please help!

    So, do i send one photo per form or one photo for both forms??:confused:
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    Help w/Forms-DV 2008-DS230, part II

    Hi! I need some advice on question 33a, DS230, part II. I have applied 2yrs ago for SS#, I got it, it was only SS# without authorization to work in US. Now, the second question, still under 33a, is asking if I want SSAdmin to assign SSN and issue a new card? I'm confused, and I want to answer...
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    DV-2008 case numbers for Europe

    Hey! I'm from Belgrade, Serbia. Got my NL in New York, case no. 16xxx, received it on May 4th or 5th....Mailed on April 30th....
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    dv-2008 croatia, serbia or bosnia...

    Mia22, da, upravu si. Znaci to sto je napisao u onom popratnom pismu koje je dosla sa forama jer za osobe koje imaju neki drugi status u US a mi koji smo na turistickoj vizi ne mozemo da to uradimo. Mi smo otisli u ofis USCIS da porazgovaramo sa njima o DV i da vidimo koje forme se trebaju...
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    dv-2008 croatia, serbia or bosnia...

    Sta sada?????? Cao ljudi! Dobili smo pismo, case no: 16xxx. Pismo je stiglo iz KCC u NY, na adresu gde zivimo trenutno jer smo na turistickoj vizi. Ne znam sta sada da radimo, da li da izpunimo forme kao da apliciramo iz BG ili da apliciramo iz US. Ako odlucimo da apliciramo iz US, onda celi...