Search results

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    Winner from croatia one question

    Kad ti je stiglo? Hvala.
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    Winner from croatia one question

    Hej, koji si broj i kad si dobio NL? Cestitam. Imas link na hrv. forumu, pa se javi, ako hoces.:)
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    DV-2008 case numbers for Europe

    I saw his post, but it is hard to believe this. Have anyone heard of any other case like this? I couldn't find any evidence on net for that.
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    Did KCC stop sending NLs?

    :) The last one I've heard of was received on May 12th. So, I'm still hopping.
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    dv-2008 croatia, serbia or bosnia...

    Congrats and good luck!!!:)
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    dv-2008 croatia, serbia or bosnia...

    Cannot believe no one found this forum. Just wanted to put this thread up.:confused: