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  1. K

    us citizen petition

    thank for reply , my situation is :brother of us citizen , mather and brother are a GC holders , i am a married over 21 parents will soon aplly for us citezen wich the best and faster way for me to follow them. thanks .
  2. K

    us citizen petition

    is the filling many petitions for one beneficiary is that minimize the visa time period
  3. K

    us citizen petition

    my question is : can more than 1 us person (let s say 3 ,father , mather , sister ) fill a 3 seperated petitions for one person (son) and is that minimaiz the period time. thank all
  4. K

    strong ties ???

    hi i was refused with my wife under section 214b my question is can my wife apply for visitor visa as new circumstances has happened (we have now a 2 years old daughter ) and my wife will travel alone without her daughter and without me , is that enough cause or tie for giving visa . thank you.