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    AVM says "FP results being processed"

    Hi All. My wife and myself went for Finger Printing in Manchester NH on 5/21/02 After a week the AVM is different for each of us. Mine says "FP results recieved processing resumed..." For my wife it says "FP results being processed EOM" And its been like that for...
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    New Thread for FP for NH guys..please post RD, ND and waiting or got an FP

    FP Notice Received MD 10/17 RD 12/27 FP notice recived 4/19 FP appointment 5/21 in Manchester NH Even though I live in MA.
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    year 2002 GC quota is over

    I agree what kind of posting is this? You are making a statement in the Heading of the post, where as you really are asking a question. If you have a question post that, not a sensationizing statement without any basis of support.
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    FP for Massachusetts people, please post

    FP Notice Received MD 10/17 RD 12/27 FP notice recived 4/19 FP appointment 5/21 in Manchester NH Zip Code 01879
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    FP for Massachusetts people, please post

    01879, 01854, 01851, 01824, 01826, 01880, All going to Manchester Seems like all the zip codes near the NH border are being sent to Manchester NH for FP. And Manchester is way behind Boston, because they assign 30-60 minute slots for each FP case.
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    FP for Massachusetts people, please post

    GcSick or VeSa Who is going to Manchester? Hi Guys Do you know who is being sent to Manchester NH and who is being sent to Boston? I live in Tyngsboro MA, which is right on the border Do you think that I will be sent to Manchester? R/D 10/12 N/D 12/17