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    Education Qualification

    which country? which country? :confused:
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    I recievie my visa

    don't open your envelope? No. May i open that envelop, :mad: i cant recieve my visa. even if i cant enter in usa. immigration officer recieve my passport and that sealde envelope on the port of entry. and after that they send my gc througe my sponcer address.
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    I recievie my visa

    visa likE? may i understand? I recieve on seald envelope and visa validation date stampe to our passport . but your question the content of envelope i don't. b/s they strictly recomended , don't open until port of entry. even if the right of this only for immigration officer on the...
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    I recievie my visa

    I fill better today i recievied my visa. thank for all your members advise & suggestion. For future, I promise regarding to give solution to any questions based on my effort . again and again thx for all members.
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    Kenyan Experiences

    not 2006 but 2007 did you read the booklet. i think you are not sure which september. dont forget. you are the winner in 2007. then you out of game after one year.