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  1. K

    Can't get married!

    What's a waiver? And can this only be filed if we live there or can it be filed here in the U.S. as well? I know my lawyer will be able to help us figure out what is best for us to do, but all your input is helping me know what to ask him when we go so hopefully we wont waste any time. Also...
  2. K

    Can't get married!

    What kinds of "implications" would make CP a good option? He couldn't get it renewed because of financial reasons. And if we went there we would actually be going to Dubai. His passport is an Indian passport, but he left from Dubai and that's where his parents live, although he is originally...
  3. K

    Can't get married!

    Maybe I should just rip the stupid visa out! :D I thought that if we left right now he would not be allowed back in the US for 10 years. But I don't know a lot about all this stuff. Until I met my fiance I didn't even know what a visa was. When he first told me about it I thought he was...
  4. K

    Can't get married!

    I called another courthouse and asked if a visa was required with the passport to get a marriage lisence and the clerk said she would need it in order to read all the information and I told her eveything on in his passport was written in English and she said to bring it in and they would see if...
  5. K

    Can't get married!

    So if it turns out this particular courthouse was just being prejudice, is there anything we can do about it? We are going to try the courthouse in my mom's county as soon as we can next week. This is ridiculous! :mad:
  6. K

    Can't get married!

    Thank you everyone for your input thus far. Our lawyer also thought it was strange. The clerks didn't ask for the visa. They said a passport was a valid form of ID, but when we showed it to them they first looked at that and then flipped through to his visa and saw it was expired and said...
  7. K

    Can't get married!

    He doesn't have a DL or a sate I.D. We are trying to figure out if getting a sate I.D. would require him to show a valid visa. He said one of his friends got deported when he went to get his DL renewed with an expired visa. Vegas is sounding good! What kind of ID do they require?
  8. K

    Can't get married!

    I was born in the US. My fiance came to the U.S. from India on a student visa. After a couple of years it expired and circumstances prevented him from getting it renewed, however, his passport doesn't expire for another two months. Yesterday we went to the courthouse to get a marriage license...