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  1. H

    filling the forms

    one last thing (i guess :p), now im kinda late and i think i'll send it using express delivery (e.g. Fedex, DHL..etc) doesnt it bother ? im asking that cuz soem organizations do not accept documents this way... if u see what i mean :rolleyes:
  2. H

    filling the forms

    thank u again, this will save me lot of time searching :) [Edit] what about signature ?? :confused: on form DS-230 Part 1, question 3: "Full Name in Native Alphabet (if Roman letters not used)".. my native langage is arabic, does it mean that i have to write it in arabic letters ?
  3. H

    some questions

    thanks a lot :)
  4. H

    filling the forms

    this question maybe souns stupid, i just wanna be sure before doing anything :) . at the top of forms (DSP-122....etc) they say "print or type"... does it mean that i should not fill the forms using hand writing ? if so, how can i do it then ? :s
  5. H

    some questions

    no answer ? :(
  6. H

    some questions

    thank u guys for answers :) there's one question remaining (the third one ) ^^, can be helpful to know how long it takes.. well, i can get an adress (about my question No 5) of a friend for example, but im not sure if i'll live there for long time. so what if i give adress, and i dont go...
  7. H

    some questions

    hi people, i just received my NL yesterday, its dated 18 may it took a while to come here (morocco). i have some questions and i hope to get some answers plz. 1- is work experience really necessary ? im 20 years old and i have highschool diploma, i still do some other studies.. 2- my...