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  1. R

    Impact of submitting app for brother GC

    If a I130 application is submitted for sponsoring brother GC, what will be the impact, for me and for brother? For me, responsibility, and sponhorship. For brother, it'll be a long wait. Will he have trouble to get business or travel visa before the I130 is approved? Your idea, profound...
  2. R

    Phoenix N400 Timeline

    Congrats and thanks for posting Mine is still pending ... Submitted May 2006 FP June 2006 No IL
  3. R

    6 month after FP still no interview letter

    Where did you get the reply after calling 1800 service? almostacitizen, Where did you get the letter after you called the 1800 service number? The service center or the local office? I called last week, and got a letter from the local office, there is nothing useful in the letter, just "we...
  4. R

    Phoenix N400 Timeline

    Called USCIS 1800 number Hi Zap, Thanks for the advice. I called the 1800. Got to talk to a lady. She submit a inquiry to CSC for me. She wouldn't do that first. You have to tell her that you haven't called before and that you haven't got any information since the finger print. She said I'll...
  5. R

    Phoenix N400 Timeline

    FP in June 2006, No IL yet I've doen IndoPass. The lady was chewing gum and didn't know anything! The only thing she can say is "It's less than a year, everything in a year is normal". Regarding name check, her answer was "It's possible that can take time". Has anyone in Phoenix contacted...
  6. R

    No IL for more than 6 months, Need a sample letter to congressman

    I submitted my application in early June, and done FG in June also. So far no any progress. Like to contact the congressman. Could someone be kind to offer a sample letter? I know there must be one in this forum, but couldn't find it. Thanks !
  7. R

    Phoenix N-400 processing duration

    No IL for me since June'06 Submitted June, FP June, No IL yet.
  8. R

    Phoenix FP 6/23, still no Interview Letter

    Phoenix anyone? I still haven't got my interview letter. FP done June 23
  9. R

    Online status change or gone before IL issued?

    Does this always happen or just for some people or service center?
  10. R

    Phoenix FP 6/23, still no Interview Letter

    Still waiting, anyone too?
  11. R

    Phoenix FP 6/23, still no Interview Letter

    Application was received on June 1 2006. FP was done on June 23. Any one in Phoenix, can you share some information? Thanks!
  12. R

    Name change and house title

    Need advise on how to make change to the title of owned house with name changed. Does it require Title Company? What agencies are needed to notify? What's the proceure. Appreciate you sharing the knowledge and experience.
  13. R

    How does name change affect?

    Does it tak longer to be processed? How does it affect my registration, such house, driver license, etc? It seems a lot of inconvenience will be for a while afterwards. Any comments? Thanks.