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  1. K

    Prepone appointment date

    Hi guys- 1. Any of you know how many times can we re-schedule the appointment date? Is it max of 1? 2. What are the chances of preponing English Vs Any other regional language (like Telugu)? Pls reply me.
  2. K

    Language Appointment Question

    Hi- Thanks very much for your information regarding the Language appointment. I just wanted to recheck with you- has the officer let your mother give answers in regional language and your father translated it? Or how is it. Pls tell me. I will take english based on your feedback. Thanks
  3. K

    Language Appointment Question

    Hi...I have almost the same question. My mother to certain extent understands English (may be 40%) father is fluent. I am not able to decide what to do as my wife is expecting in July and I don't see any dates for "Telugu" open. Can any of you advice? hkuchi - What did u do?