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  1. F

    S. 1932 Status Just read it....Its so absurd. It is 750 pages and it first gives the committe report and then as to what was in the senate bill and the house bill and what was agreed upon but the absurdity is that judiciary comittee stuff is not...
  2. F

    S. 1932 Status

    Confused??? I read this on AILA's website but cant make much of it. What does it mean? "Sensenbrenner Bill Passes, H-1B/EB Provisions Stripped The Sensenbrenner bill passed tonight in the House by a vote of 239 to 182. 17 Republicans voted "NO" on final passage, but 36 Democrats voted...
  3. F

    S. 1932 Status

    hi guys!! I spoke with Ted Kennedy this morning before he left to the senate. He said that he is very much for the bill favouring relief of EB retrogression and would surely bring up the matter for discussion. He also mentioned that lot of senators are against increasing H1B's but he is quite...
  4. F

    S. 1932 Status

    some good news I am new to this group. I was on another website but switched here becoz of the activity level. Anyway the good news is that i was watching cspan and they announced the senators in the committee. Since it was quick i could not gather all names but Kennedy, Specter, Coryn...