Search results

  1. K

    Going back home

    I don't really care because I don't plan to go home, I am home!!, just for those who are wondering read this from the USCIS website, the title is Now That You Are A Permanent Resident Welcome Now that you have become a Permanent Resident of the United States we would like to welcome and...
  2. K

    hamburgers and asylees

    Hey, the truth is that nobody can give a certain answer to this sensitive issue, but my question is: Why would you eat even one hamburger after all these years, think is it worth it for you to be deported from this beautiful country for a hamburger, I don’t think so, but on the other hand I know...
  3. K

    got my plastic card today..!

    Do you have any code "A6" that shows it is through asylum? Congats and good luck!!!!! :)
  4. K

    New card ordered!

    Hi everyone I discovered this forum last week, and I would like to share with you my big day.. Yesterday I went to do the biometrics, and today I received an e-mail that “the new card has been ordered and as soon as it’s ready they will mail it home” I was granted asylum 3/99, applied for...