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  1. J

    Tn Visa

    Are you sure is possible to get TN my mail for first time? I was thinking that mail service is used only for extensions...and how much is the premiun service to get it in two months ?
  2. J

    TN --> H1

    For gunt Gunt, you said this : "you can be on H1 for 6 years and then swith to a TN if you like. Personally i perfer a TN over a H1 because it is much easier to deal with if and when you want to change jobs or take a second job. Further it is completely possible to transition from a TN to...
  3. J

    TN visa in Miami

    Thank you for your answer Gunt. I was checking about US port of entries and I found out that there is one in Bahamas. Another option could be to apply in the Bahamas POE. If TN is not granted for any reason, I can stay in Bahamas to buy a ticket to get back to El Salvador with no mayor...
  4. J

    TN visa in Miami

    Hi, I am Canadian citizen, I will get a job offer to work in Miami soon and would like to ask two questions: 1- I am living now in El Salvador temporarily. There is a not a US port of entry in El Salvador. So I am thinking to apply at the port of entry in Miami, coming from El Salvador...
  5. J

    B1/B2 denied >> help !

    I was going in my car yesterday to the US border from Canada. I am Canadian and I supposed not to need visa. I was going to Florida and for vacation and they said I wanted to work illegally becouse I brang my computer with me, some stuff, many books and papers and I said lost my job one month...
  6. J

    Canadian car in Florida

    Hi, - How long can I drive a Canadian-plate car in Florida on tourist status ? - Do I have to get a Florida-driver licence ? after so long ?