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  1. M

    Rare case - Please Read.

    Last question: Is it possible to make a non-immigrant visa for a duration of 5 years (Normal + Extensions) and then become a legal citizen? Or is it done only through Immigrant visa? Although this won't really help me, as a non-immigrant visa will not allow me to work in America... Could...
  2. M

    Rare case - Please Read.

    Ok, So I need to be at least an undergraduate (Is that a high school graduate?). But can the main founder issue sponsorship to me? What if the buisness is already doing well and has all the money neccessary? About investing, is it a 1 time thing only? "Home Country" Is not really the...
  3. M

    Rare case - Please Read.

    Hello everyone, I'm a new member on this forum. I have a very rare case (From what I see, there aren't any visas given to such cases, that I know of). Ok, so here's the deal: 1) A US citizen (Not me) is starting a company, I am one of the co-founders. 2) I live in Israel, and of course, he...