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  1. C

    Change of Address

    Americanwannabe, Thanks for the update. INS website has 2 addresses one with PO Box and other is for commercial overnight or fast freight services, only; Does certified usps mail send back acknowledgement? For certified usps mail, do i need to send it to the Non-PO address?
  2. C

    Change of Address

    Is it more advisable to send it through fedex and ask for a signed acknowledgement stating that INS received my change of address? Thanks!
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    Best Place to relocate in USA after GC.

    Joef is very knowledgeable when it comes to immigration questions. No doubt about that. He has been helpful in the past but not sure why he is so upset now?
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    Joef, Further why do u say one needs to be an Oracle to predict processing time. I can tell you how long it took me to get a green card. So whats the problem? I had a bad day too. So if u wanna to continue with flame war, I will be more than happy to oblige.
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    First of all, no one has the time or mood to create or disguise ids. Joef, I know you are an expert when it comes to immigration. But if some one does not want to help, one should not respond rather than posting a link to a 1000 page PDF file.
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    Yeah right! I am aware of the INS web site as well. Thanks for nothing!
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    Best Place to relocate in USA after GC.

    San Diego gets my vote. But mostly telecom & bio-tech sector. Great weather!
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    Best Place to relocate in USA after GC.

    I would prefer a place which is more open, diverse, and cosmopolitan such as Bay Area or else NY or Chicago.
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    I got my green card in September 2000. When exactly am I eligible to apply for citizenship. Also what documents are needed to apply for citizenship? Also how long is it taking to get the citizenship in Bay Area, California? Thanks!
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    Best Place to relocate in USA after GC.

    I agree with u on all points. But not sure about town home < 500K. Real estate is EXPENSIVE here!
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    joef/other gurus - Re-entry Permit

    I had a re-entry permit question for green card holders. I understand that the period spend outside US on a re-entry permit does not count towards citizenship. Say if one applies for a re-entry permit intending to stay outside US for more than 6 months. But eventually, decides not to use it...
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    Working out of US after GC?

    If the company in India pays in the local currency, is the salary still taxable? I believe there is a tax treaty between India and USA to avoid double taxation. Further does this not run contradictary to the intention of having a green card (working in some other country)?
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    Working out of US after GC?

    Based on my limited immigration knowledge, I think you cannot work in India unless the Indian company is a subsidiary of an US company and the US company agrees to sponsor N-470. Remember that most Indian software companies listed on NASDAQ have their US branch as a subsidiary of their Indian...
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    joef / other gurus - please advice

    bump. Still looking for advice. joef/amercian wannabe any thoughts regarding my doubt?
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    joef / other gurus - please advice

    looking for help looking for advice
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    joef / other gurus - please advice

    joef - One more related question joef, Thanks for your feedback. I had 1 more related question. Is it essential that the company sponsoring my N-470 needs to pay my salary in US dollars? Or is it ok if they only pay in the currency of the country I am being posted to?
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    joef / other gurus - please advice

    I had an N-470 related question and would appreciate your feedback. I had continously resided in USA for 1 year from Jan 2003 to Jan 2004. But after that I had travelled abroad and just returned back recently. Am I eligible for N-470. Or is it essential that I should have continously...
  18. C

    N-470 Option - Please Advice

    Thanks JoeF JoeF, Thanks for your feedback.