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  1. W

    Phone call after oath ceremony

    Is it an automatic call or a human call?
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    Should I become US citizen and leave?

    Depends on how ruch you are. US citizens live up to 11 month in a tax year can have income exempt up to roughly 100,000 dollars.
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    Don't remember if i filed taxes in 2000,2001 and 2004

    Statute of limitation for crminal prosecution is only 3 years. So he is out of the woords for that matter. Of course, the USCIS can accuse him of lying on I-485 form :"Have you ever commited a crime for which you were not arrested?". In theory, that question is set up by USCIS to screw...
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    Don't remember if i filed taxes in 2000,2001 and 2004

    If IRS say you owe them nothing, then you owe them nothing and state so on your N-400. As to whether you should say you failed to file a tax return on N-400. That is a different question than whether you owe IRS or not. There are two suich questions (1) Have you ever failed to file a...
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    Unclear US Citizenship decision help.

    If you read the interview letter again, you will see there is no "denial" checkbox for her to check.
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    Unclear US Citizenship decision help.

    Yes, his application is denied since he falied last English test. How good is your brother's English? You should advise him to improve on that first; otherwise he is just wasting his money.
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    Unclear US Citizenship decision help.

    No decision is ever formally given in the interview. The formal decision can only be found in the written notice.
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    Do we need to mention accidents in N400?

    You are completely correct in all your conclusions. I just want to nitpick a liitle bit at your logic for fun. Don't be offfended
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    Do we need to mention accidents in N400?

    You're correct. But the reason should not be that since you do not need to report for GC, then you do not need to report for citizensship. Green card application form I485 explicitly say "excluding traffic violation" but the citizenship application form N-400 removed that triffic...
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    Can I move to a different city right after getting my Green Card?

    It depends. If the green card is labor certificate based and labor certificate does not specify the location he intends to move too, it still can cause the issue. One must have bona fide intent to work according to the labor certificate.
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    Health Insurance Cost for Parents w/ GC Family Sponsored

    Both citizens and PRs are tax residents, but USA Citizens living outside USA are exempt from OBAMACARE. I am not sure what to do with PRs living outside USA. They should be exempt too in teh same way as USA citizen living abroad. But on the other hand, PRs are not suppoed to live outside USA...
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    Re-entering the country after 2 years (no re entry permit)? Need testimonials

    I know that is true if you enter Canada from USA, but I am not sure if it is true if you enter Canada from a third country
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    Re-entering the country after 2 years (no re entry permit)? Need testimonials

    Apply to a Canadian consulate for a visitor's visa. Fly to Canada, rent a car, and drive thru the boder control at Niagara Fall to USA
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    Anyone with tax deliquency and payment plan, approved for citizenship?

    It is useless worrying. Just wait for USCIS to give you an answer. That is the only authoritive answer. My gut feeling is that you will be Ok. The worst scenario is to reapply when your tax issue is otu of the 5 year window.
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    Re-entering the country after 2 years (no re entry permit)? Need testimonials

    Citizenship requires some knowlegd of English while permanet residency does not. Even if you do not recognize first three letter in the alphabet, you can still legally and fairly get a green card
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    Deliquent taxes - Explanation letter - Need review

    Actually I am not even sure if you need to disclose this information. Unless you are charged with a tax crime, then the issue is civic. One question on N-400 ask you fi you ever failed to file tax return. Since you di dfile later, you can still answer No. Please note the question did...
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    Re-entering the country after 2 years (no re entry permit)? Need testimonials

    Can you pretend not to understand English well and repeat "beg your pardon" several times ? Actually I see quite a few people re-entering USA with green card but withotu re-entry permit after staying outside USA for more than 2 years. But they do belong to teh category of the people who...
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    Health Insurance Cost for Parents w/ GC Family Sponsored

    Car insurance is mandatory too by most of state laws, but the proportion of uninsured drivers/vehicle can be as highas 40% in many areas. Many people also choose to pay penalty (I think it is civic not crminal), which is cheaper than premium. By the way, does Obamacare apply to...
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    Health Insurance Cost for Parents w/ GC Family Sponsored

    Many doing free lancing job nowadays choose not to have insurance and gamble against odds. They figure duriang yonga age it is exremely unlikely to come down with a serious disease and if they do get serious disease they are doomed anyway. So they decide to save a few thousands bucks each...
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    Question about obtaining U.S Citizenship through U.S. Armed Forces

    I think it has to be active service rather than reserve. Ask for JAG for consultation