Hello gp111,
What do you think it going to happen for the Seattle Region (WA, ID, OR and AK) cases? The Regional DOL is Currently processing cases received between late March 04 and early April 04. My case RD is April 12 04
Letter from one of the DOL official about future plans
Some Cases that certified on 10/18/04(from AVM)
9579350 03/18/04 Y 10/18/04
9579349 03/18/04 Y 10/18/04
9579348 03/18/04 Y 10/18/04
9579346 03/18/04 Y 10/18/04
9579343 03/18/04 Y 10/18/04
9579352 03/19/04 Y 10/18/04
9579175 03/22/04 Y 10/18/04
9579172 03/22/04 Y 10/18/04...
10/15/04 update case
Here are some cases that Certifired on 10/15/04. From this we can understand the DOL is working on 03/19/04 casess even though the AVM says they are working on Late March and Early April
9579343 03/18/04
9579339 03/18/04 Y 10/14/04
9579336 03/18/04 Y 10/14/04...
Congrulations WaitingPatiently, finally the waiting ordeal is over for you. I am so happy for you.
Wish you all the best for all your step of process, hope to see you soon there
Hello WaitingPatiently,
I feel very sorry for your posistion, however if we know the case number definitely we can confirm whether it is in SFO Queue or SEATTLE Queue. I am working on collecting all the casses and it RD date until my case whose RD is 04/12/04, please see attachement.
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