Search results

  1. L

    studying in canada while working and waiting permanent residence

    Hello again. :) I have been looking into possibly working and studying at the same time while waiting to apply for permanent residence. Is it true that i can apply after three years of residing in canada, particularly in relation to the student visa? Does the type of job/qualifications...
  2. L

    asylum seeker/refugee emmigrating to usa/canada

    Does voluntary/any other unpaid work count for anything as far as work experience is concerned?
  3. L

    asylum seeker/refugee emmigrating to usa/canada

    hi, all!:) I'm newbie here. I've been browsing the site for a while and its been very informative, however, I have a few questions; As an asulum seeker liiving in the UK, are the eligibility requirement different from those of someone applying for permanent visa as a citizen of the place they...