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  1. S

    Were 9000 h1b petitions filed on 26 may 2006?

    thats whAT i am saying either they misscalulated before or there is something going on to give you an idea there 49078 on 25 th and uscis declared the cap around 64,000.those which reached on 26 are going to be selected randomly that mean more than 15000 to be precised where filled in 1 day...
  2. S

    Were 9000 h1b petitions filed on 26 may 2006?

    hey you are wrong it was more than 9000 it can be any more than 20000 because on 26 thay are going to select randomly who ever is lucky they get selected
  3. S

    Is fpgec required in all 50 states?

    i dont think anyone will aceept u without fpgec some states will not accept fpgec only. so, there is no question of without fpgec
  4. S

    h1 for to be pharmacist

    i dont know but do u have the state board lisence because this the first thing recuirter will ask u
  5. S

    canada pharmacist pay

    bhavani iam sorry to say but its very hard to get lisence in canada compare to usa right now iam in canada(toronto) and cleared both fpgee and pebc evaluating exam and trying for us one its much easy in all terms from examination to pay