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  1. F

    Finger print

    Hi all has anyone done finger print for Canada PR in Maryland of late. Thanks for your reply.
  2. F

    What about State police Clearnace ?

    No Title How did you get your finger prints done?
  3. F

    Maintaining both US and candian GC

    No Title kulijit bhatia, are you still available for questions? kindly give more info on how to deal with tax issues.
  4. F

    H1B stamping in Canada

    No Title Thanks i will really apperciate your input......I do not have a US degree but have an evaluation letter supporting my degree this was not considered in Toronto....I was refused a visa.
  5. F

    H1B stamping in Canada

    No Title Anisha, do you have a US degree? I will like to know how it goes in montreal......also are you flying?
  6. F

    Third country H1 stamping

    No Title Hi Bob, R2r2 did it go with tokyo?