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  1. K

    fp petition:what happened to it?

    does anyone know what happened to our first FP petition on line which was sent about a month ago? any response from anyone?
  2. K

    EAD approved finally

    hi my second EAD was finally approved. nd was june 6 2002. It took a long time for them to decide. I-485 , EB 3 rd may 2001 nd august 2001 second ead approved : oct 21 2002 fp still waiting
  3. K

    Anyone received EAD from Texas with receipt date in vicinity of June25th?Please reply

    EAD hi tweedybird did you get your second EAD? my ND is june 6 2002 for my second EAD. still no response from texas. did you get an interim?
  4. K

    Please post EAD approvals

    ead nd june 6 2002 for the second EAD still not approved what is going on? i called the INS, and the operator said that my file was not even assigned to an officer. what to do? my last EAD expired on sept. 29 2002.
  5. K

    dilemma, i want to change employer

    i applied for gc(EB3) last year in may. nd aug.2001.i've been working for this employer for aprox 2 years now. my boss gives me a lot of hard time. no increase pay, more work and stress. i really want to change my employer. can i do that? or what shoud i do? no sign of FP , no sign of second...
  6. K

    about fp important question

    i dont know what is going on i'm sorry that i confused you . i just called tsc to ask about my ead renewal , then i ask when they think my fingerprint notice will come. the officer said she looked in my file and my fingerprinting is waived. i told her i'm confused, because i know that fp are...
  7. K

    about fp important question

    hi i just found out my fp was waived because once 2 years ago i apllied for immigration to canada. the ins officer said that appears that they dont need my fingerprint because i am already in the you think they will still ask for another fp? thanks
  8. K

    about national scheduler

    hi does anybody know who is national scheduler, who are they, telephone nr., or how to contact them?
  9. K

    May'01 - Sep'01 - FP Status Pl. Update

    info pd 12/1997 rd 05/2001 nd 08/2001 fp still waiting