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  1. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Thanks Benz Leo! Hallo H.Huang, belom ada kabar nigh buat interview... harusnya sich August ini.. =) Thank u! Nomer nya masuk cut-off August ini, kira" kapan yah terima 2nd NL nya?
  2. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    hallo hallo wahhh ... udah lama ga ke forum ini... first of all thank u yah buat semua yg udah partisipasi... kita bisa saling membantu jg =) congrats buat semua yg udah dapet GC nya dan yg udah share pengalaman"nya... bang erdos, udah di US? benz, got question nigh... kalo buat yg tinggal...
  3. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Awesome bang Erdos!! Welcome back and good luck! Thanks for sharing this information :) Oh.. btw, pas udah dapet SKCK utk dibawa ke mabes, mabes nya dimana? sama bawa apa aja buat ke mabes? Thanks.
  4. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    kalo semua paperworknya ok, mereka process yg dibawah nomer tsb ... current nya kapan sich saya kurang tahu, soalnya yg tahun lalu sama tahun ini juga berbeda... tahun lalu sich sekitar juni...
  5. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    I would suggest you to email them and ask for you second NL. Btw, have you try to fix this by sending them a correction?
  6. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Mereka memprocess DV dari nomer yg paling kecil, lalu ke nomer yg besar. Setiap bulan, mereka ada limit sampe nomer brp dikerjain nya per continent (bisa dilihat di visa bulletin). Bila nomer nya "current", berarti semua yg di continent tersebut akan di process. I hope this help.
  7. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Welcome H.Huang... I hope we all get the GC from the DV2010 :) Kalo berdasarkan tahun lalu sich, semua continent dapet current except for Africa... moga" aja DV2010 seperti itu ;)
  8. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Hi All, It's been a while... i just wanted to say hi and wonders how are you guys doin... =) Cheers, st_kusuma
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    Thanks i2009!
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    Thanks Ammeck09!
  11. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Hi Robert, Based on the discussion in this forum above; I would say yes, you should call / email KCC because your number will be current next month right?
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    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Definitely! I'll let you know when I'm in Bandung :)
  13. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Hi Leo, Great to know that you are still participating in this forum even though you received the GC already. Cheers, st_kusuma
  14. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Wow... thanks for the detail information. I do live in Bandung; how about you? :)
  15. S


    Thanks for the advise ammeck09. Do I need to submit the marriage certificate with DS230 and DSP122? I thought I just needed later for the interview? (I'm planning to proceed with CP).
  16. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Erdos: "I read on September visa bulletin that my number will be current in October." It means that his number will be current on October. Which is correct because for Asia; the cut-off on October is 7000 while his number is 33XX. 8XXX is a good number; see the thread above, Erdos and I...
  17. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Hi Erdos, I'm living in US but I'm going to proceed with CP.. so we are on the same boat :) That is good to know ... I'm just worried about the interview etc... Hey; have you start gathering the letter from the police? If yes, could you tell us how to get one? Thanks a bunch, st_kusuma
  18. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Here is the link to the current bulletin as of Aug 27, 2009: Go to section B: B. DIVERSITY IMMIGRANT (DV) CATEGORY That is the limit for this month. Keep in mind the information that you read is for DV2009. DV2010 will not start...
  19. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Thanks for the info buddy! Cheers, st_kusuma
  20. S


    Hi Gasper, Thanks for the information. I thought the bulletin number is just for AOS? Yes, I'm planning to get married 2 weeks from now and then submit the CP forms on the same day for both of us. So; once I submit the form, I dont need to do anything... basically just waiting for the 2nd NL...