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  1. C

    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    i second that motion
  2. C

    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    sounds like a pretty good reasoning to me
  3. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    glad to be of service, T.
  4. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    and then you registered on this forum the day before yesterday to warn others of the perils that await them in US. how altruistic of you. : pat on the head :
  5. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    P, i never said Switzerland was not rich or poorer than France or Spain. this is what i said: "the Gini Coefficient of Switzerland is in the same range as that of Spain and France". there is a link in one of my posts above to support that claim. here, i'll repost it just for you...
  6. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    it saddens me that you have also, like others here before you, gone down the path of ad hominem fallacy. you may think that i'm ignorant (though i don't see what i have said to make you think so, since i was the one with proper quotations and you were the one who has been to Denmark, i.e...
  7. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    i'm afraid your anti-American bias is blinding you. this link is quite self-explanatory. it shows that America is not "the only country with such widespread [sic] gap between rich and poor". it does have the biggest gap among...
  8. C

    economical situation in USA

    on certain jobs they need to make sure that you're not a spy, or a terrorist. they will run your info through their systems and it takes time. like, for example, if you wanted to work on the building of a civilian nuclear reactor you would have to get clearance. most government projects are like...
  9. C

    economical situation in USA

    he only needs clearance to work for federal government or federal contractors. even then it takes around 6 months. 1 year tops. not exactly a thundercloud.
  10. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    it's 39 million currently. keep in mind that this doesn't mean that they are homeless or have nothing to eat. it means that, for example, a family of three is making less then $22 000 a year. now, if you would work for minimum wage, full time, you'd be earning between $16 000 and $18 000. if two...
  11. C

    economical situation in USA

    your heart is in the right place but you are rambling, yes : ) America's "meddling" in other countries is what is sometimes called "enlightened self-interest". if they accomplish their mission in Iraq and Afghanistan, everyone will be better off. if they return now, it will be Fall of Saigon all...
  12. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    what about them, mon ami?
  13. C

    economical situation in USA

    i fully agree, firo. thou speakest the truthe
  14. C

    economical situation in USA

    that's pretty good. the doom-crowd will disagree, of course, but if you're good at what you're doing, you'll make it anywhere. i wish you two the best of luck and so much money that one could get asthma counting it.
  15. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    amen to that. in principle.
  16. C

    economical situation in USA

    you have any degrees, firo? what do you do for living?
  17. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    wow, man. you moved into the projects and were surprised at what you discovered there? that's an ultra fail. and you're the working class that is supposed to rise up in the global revolution? you and your comrades are doomed. unless they drop you off the team, that is.
  18. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    what happened in Alaska, bmx? we have the right to know!
  19. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    by the way, P, if you're a construction worker, of course the recession is hard for you. your sector was hit the most. it's always tougher for the working class. this shouldn't come as a surprise for you.
  20. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    what's wrong with Alaska?