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  1. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    But then again, maybe they will rush to process all the cases on hold and interview everyone of us to see who is who to identify impending threats. Only then we may get approved. This could be a blessing in disguise.
  2. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    HI all, I found the following today, on yahoo news. We are doomed. The immigration status of the Boston bombings suspects may become a stumbling block for a new bill that seeks to legalize nearly 11 million immigrants and increase the number of legal immigrants to the United States. Opponents...
  3. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Noetic, I am not sure about your second question. I believe exemption process is broken into 3 fazes. You are right, it is a little confusing to put them in right order. What I think is, that they first have to recommend a group for exemption, then it should go through reviewing stage and the...
  4. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    It appears to me that these guys now have a tool, but, have no idea how it works. As if you have received a sophisticated piece of machine, but, the manufacturer included no manual in the box to guide you. Now you have to sit down and figure it out yourself. It is both a funny and nerve...
  5. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Noetic, Interagancy groups are a combination of two or more government agencies that have to coordinate their work to implement the law. That is if the law has been written in such complicated way that it requires the cooperation of multiple parties to make it work. In our case only state...
  6. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Thanks hecate, I got the same e-mail too. I would like to see what Anwen has to say about this meeting. Please post if you receive any E-mail from her.
  7. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Hi everybody, I just hung up talking to her (Anwen) 2 min ago. Well,...... she said there is no major news to share, and that they submitted a number of questions regarding the exemption to the government. She said she has been extremely busy and will E-mail us to give us a summary of what is...
  8. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    My pleasure Deep Trigger, please share any feedback from Ms. Nezer or Hughes as early as your schedule allows.
  9. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Anwen Hughes 10:58 AM (52 minutes ago) to me Yes, I'm happy to. The meeting is later this afternoon and I'll be in another meeting afterwards and then returning to NYC, but can send a quick summary later tonight or tomorrow...
  10. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Hello Ms. Hughes I hope this E-mail finds you doing well. We all at the forum I am a member of, are anxiously waiting to see what comes out of today's quarterly meeting. Would you share the news and updates along with your insight as to what direction this issue is heading? I...
  11. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Victim 1000, How great do I feel and how joyful am I to see your ordeal is finally over. Also thank you for taking your time clarifying some issues on this forum. Thank you also for your very kind words you said about me. Please come and visit us here in this forum even though you no longer...
  12. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    The USCIS Terrorism-Related Inadmissibility Grounds (TRIG) Working Group will host its quarterly stakeholder meeting on December 11, 2012 at 1:30 pm (Eastern) in the Refugee, Asylum, and International Operations (RAIO) Training Room at 20 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC. The purpose of...
  13. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Hecate, It is fairly easy do determine whether or not one could benefit from this exemption. In my wife's case, I noticed that immediately. The exemption very clearly excludes groups that are, or, if ever have been designated as terrorist organisations. Additionally, should your group ever...
  14. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Dear Noetic, Please accept my gratitude for taking your precious time commenting about this incident. You are absolutely right, labeling someone to have psychological issues is wrong. It was not intended to hurt, but it was wrong, period. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to...
  15. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Dear Sir or Madam, What was exchanged between good Deep Trigger and I, was merely humor, and one should not take humor statements and any jokes for that matter literally. Humor is used as a lubricant agent to ease the tensions of everyday life. Like I said, it has no literal application, but...
  16. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    hecate, Any news yet? HBA, Did you receive any letter back from USCIS indicating that your G-639 application is being processed?
  17. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Who needs green card when you get to know so many wonderful people on this forum !!!