Search results

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    Can I use the duplicated EB1 letters for the EB2 case?

    For EB1, your current work may not be the most important NIW should focus on your current work. But for EB1, you should show off your past achievements and significance of your current work. In any support letter, you should answer these questions. How did the author know you? (someone who...
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    Can I use the duplicated EB1 letters for the EB2 case?

    I got my approval in 5 months from TSC EB1-OR, ND 7/12/2001, AD, 12/5/2001. I did it by myself without RFE.
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    Can I use the duplicated EB1 letters for the EB2 case?

    Advanced membership and reviewer To be a reviewer, send an email to the editor of the journal in which you have expertise. Tell the editor, you want to volunteer some of your free time to HELP him/journal to review some papers. Tell the editor where and when you get your PHD and what is your...
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    Can I use the duplicated EB1 letters for the EB2 case?

    You do not have strong EB-1 case You may try EB2 via LC or NIW. I do not know if your work fits in any NIW category. EB1-OR requirements are clearly listed on I-140. You do not have any awards, not a reviewer of any journal (or any panel member, conference session chair, ...), have no...
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    Can I use the duplicated EB1 letters for the EB2 case?

    You can send two cases in one envelope Two cases can share the same set of letters, but each case must be standalone. That is, you should have two copies of letters. As far as I know, NIW and EB1 letters should be written slightly differently. Both categories should stress that you are...
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    What category of my approved I 140?

    It is EB-2, i.e., your NIW  
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    Any sample recommendation letter available?

    I do not know which one is better I bought one from It is so-so. Remember that you always need second even third opinion. Good luck.
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    Any sample recommendation letter available?

    Buy a do-it-yourself package You will get plenty of sample letters. GC is so important in your life, you should spend some money on it. Here are two links: and Good luck.
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    Presentation of documents

    No binding! Please do not put anything except checks on top of cover letter. Never use any report cover. I used two ACCO fasteners since the largest fastener can hold about 200 pages. I got my I-140 (EB1-OR) approval in TSC in 5 months from ND to AD though someone else waited more than one...
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    Presentation of documents

    Never use 3-ring binders. Never punch holes at the side Visit this official page. Never use three-ring binder. Punch two holes at the top. Refer to any INS form for hole locations and separation. I submitted 300 pages or so...
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    NIW or EB1-EA for a Doctor of Chinese Medicine?

    Hi yitizhu or other friends here, I have a friend who is an accomplished doctor (leading expert, awards and papers) of Chinese Medicine. He has a job in a college of Chinese Medicine in the USA, but his employer will not sponsor his GC. What are his options to apply for his GC in addition to...
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    Please help for my RFE for I-140 NIW

    This is a generic RFE. Do not give up. You need at least three or more support letters. Try to get letters from government officials who must say that you have unique skills and they are very interested in your skill and work. If several government organizations such as DOT and EPA are...
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    Documents for I-485 after EB1(EA)

    Check this link Jawan "List Of Documenst for I-485" 1/7/02 1:14pm
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    Eligibility of NIW

    yitizhu, you are really kind and generous. What stage are you at? I got I-140 approval early Dec. and filed 485 one week ago. Good luck. For NIW, an M.S. degree is required. Other qualifications are similar to those of EB1-OR. Finally your work must be in at least one of 7 or 8 NIW areas.
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    looking for "GC: Complete Do-It-Yourself"

    I bought one at But do not count on it because some info is out of date. Surf for official information. Read I-140 instructions very carefully. and have lots of very useful information. Post your questions here, someone kind and...
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    Is this a judge of the work of other in the field or an allied field

    Typical role of judging others organization committee member or session chair of professional conferences Committee member of a PhD student Reviewer of journals Any panel member who reviews someone else work. Regarding your work, you need a letter to state the significance of your...
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    is Inhuman/inflated language really required for EB-OR ref. letters ??

    You do not need any inhuman/inflated language. If you do so, you are cheating INS. I do not think you want to do that. If you have won a Nobel Prize, I am pretty sure you do not need any support letter. The award certificate will say it all. BTW, if you have many hard facts such as panel...
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    How to view the old messages on this board?

    Use Search Tool in the menu at the top You can search whatever you want. I use it very often.
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    any suggestions?

    You have to call IIO to correct it I noted that a lot of people kept trying for more than an hour. After connected, you may have to hold it for more than 30 min or even an hour. Good luck.
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    Please suggest if Eb1-EA or Eb2-NIW or Eb1-NIW

    EB2 via labor certificate may be the best way to go Without a PhD, please do not dream of EB1-EA or EB1-OR. There is no EB1-NIW. You may try EB2-NIW depending on your what you are doing and how strong your background is. NIW needs up to EB1-OR qualification and your work must be in NI which is...