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  1. G

    How long to change job after GC

    I'm not a people person? hahahahahahahhaha That's got to be the funniest thing I have heard of EVER. Why don't you scroll through this site to see how many people you have offended vs. how many I have offended. Here's what: Why don't you scroll through this posting itself and count the...
  2. G

    How long to change job after GC

    Apology accepted. I'm constantly amazed that you have friends given your general pig-headedness. Maybe you need to hang out more with these so-called imaginary friends of yours rather than corrupting this board with your cluelessness. btw, what is the difference between immigration...
  3. G

    How long to change job after GC

    hahahahaha I believed you to be a lot of things JoeF, but certainly not naive. Well, you have proved me wrong yet again :) Good lawyers are good because they protect their clients' interests to the best of their abilities. Nothing else matters to them. Of all people, I hoped you would know...
  4. G

    wife's case concurrently approved in CSC pilot

    Here are the details: EB2 with substitute labor. WAC 04-174-xxxxx AP/EAD/I40/485 RD/ND - ~ June 3 '04 AP approved: 08/05/04 EAD approved: 08/06/04 FP done around first week of august, status updated online in about 10 days RFE received on I-140 on 8/24, replied by 9/5, online...
  5. G

    How long to change job after GC

    And don't forget the crucial job satisfaction. It matters to a lot of people. I completely agree with your response (and zhu's) whole-heartedly. A GC holder is free to work for anyone after obtaining his/her employer-sponsored GC. With the passage of AC21, even a monkey could prove...
  6. G

    How long to change job after GC

    its good to see that you are now back to your usual cantankerous self now that dsfgh is banned/gone.... This is an argument you will never win, notwithstanding your numerous posts of Ms. Murthy. She is not an uber-lawyer. She is well-respected and is taking a conservative view of this murky...
  7. G

    Plastic Cards in max two months?

    Old topics for disussion? Ok, here's something new.... If you don't have anything useful or constructive to add to a discussion, refrain from posting anything at all.... You being obstinate and belligerent may be an old topic to you, but you don't seem to be changing your habits on this...
  8. G

    Plastic Cards in max two months?

    How exactly is this a moot point? The statement on the USCIS website is ambiguous and so is their response to enquiries so far. Your original response to the post was worse! You were your usual condescending, idiotic self. If you couldn't answer the question, just don't reply to insult the...
  9. G

    Impact of US layoffs

    first-world country eh? Unlike the third-world country that it currently is? And you call others racist on this board.... Maybe you can call your chimp leader and have him invade India and free it from its current socialist regime, eh? That would certainly accelerate its progression into...
  10. G

    How long to change job after GC

    Well, JoeF, you can't seem to drop the matter either, right? It's been my biggest peeve with you during the years I have been visiting this portal. You always want to get in the last word, even if what you are saying is almost identical to what anyone (or everyone) else is saying (albeit in a...
  11. G

    How long to change job after GC

    I'm just curious about your qualifications on this subject, dsfgh100.... No one is claiming to be a lawyer or legal expert on this board. What does it matter if he is a software engineer from India or a U.S. citizen for that matter? Does that make him less qualified than you? I have had issues...
  12. G

    How long to change job after GC

    Actually, I will sleep perfectly fine. A lot of these so-called immigration laws are totally subjective. You had claimed yourself in a previous post that it all depends on the officer in charge of your case. e.g. AC21. Is there anyone out there who can claim 100% that its safe to use AC21...
  13. G

    How long to change job after GC

    It's time to be unafraid I was in the U.S for 12 years on various visas (F1, H1B, etc.), before I finally got my permanent residency. Apart from the first few, blissful years while I was in college, I was in a constant state of fear of not being able to stay in the U.S. My fear prevented me...
  14. G

    Green Card, but not permanent resident anymore

    JoeF, If you have ever been to some of the technology hubs in India, you wouldn't make this claim. I work for a fortune 500 company, and we are having trouble hiring and retaining software engineers in India. Things are as insane there now as they were in silicon valley in the late...
  15. G

    Green Card, but not permanent resident anymore

    This is awesome. Not to mention rip-roaring hilarious!!! I am having difficulty typing (or even sitting on my chair for that matter) because I am overcome with laughter. If I could even detect a shred of sincerity in your postings, I would attempt to point out further contradictions in...
  16. G

    Green Card, but not permanent resident anymore

    Wow, man, you are full of contradictions. If you truly hate the U.S. as you point out in your numerous postings, I'm sure you can find other places to visit in the world which are equally (if not much more) beautiful than America. This way, you won't have to compromise your beliefs <of the...
  17. G

    Do you feel hardship of remmebering so many names?

    You have friends??? :) Just kidding JoeF, just kidding.... I did, however, notice your generic *americanized* handle on this forum. It does make things convenient, doesn't it. Personally, I feel that having a slightly uncommon name is actually kind of fun. It has spawned conversations with...
  18. G

    SPAM: kashmir is an asshole !?

    and another option yet.... - Is kashmir conceited and full of himself? In my opinion, any person who refers to himself in the 3rd person displays such self-important and solipsistic tendencies. No matter if it is the dalai-lama or the pope.... If you have humble notions about your own...
  19. G

    Let's fight againt CSC's pilot program

    It's not as clear cut is it? The pilot is probably going to pick a small sample set of applications and prove that they can adjudicate faster if they want to. Hopefully, they can take some lessons learnt and apply them to all other pending cases. Does this mean that your specific case...
  20. G

    carrying g.card

    HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! I'll leave that for the other forum members to judge.... Have a good weekend everyone. I'm going to go out and have a couple of drinks and wash off ysolong's racist and fascist BS outta my skin!!!