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  1. G

    MO Transfer Cases

    My case has been transferred to MO. I see that on 04/15/2003 they were processing cases dated RD 01/13/2003. Does this RD refer to NSC RD or to the date MO received it? I have looked around all over the place and haven't found a single case that this center has approved. Anyone know any different?
  2. G

    Falsified Visa Use

    If they catch you, they will almost certainly kick you right out of the country.
  3. G

    AC21 regulations

    I haven't seen this topic addressed in quite some time (although I admit to really looking that closely). Has anyone heard when the INS, DHS or whatever they like to call themselves is going to finalize their interpretation of the AC21 laws. This has a huge impact on those of us who may need...
  4. G

    Last Week @ NSC From Rupnet

    My RD is only in March and I agree 100% that it is fair to finish processing current cases before starting on future cases. I suspect that processing will also go faster this was since they don't have to keep track of so many half-baked cases.
  5. G

    Is this why the NSC is so slow?

    Members of the armed services need not be U.S. citizens. Enlisted personnel about to be deployed commonly request and receive speeded-up citizenship applications, said Tim Counts, a spokesman for the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, according to the news...
  6. G

    INS might Halt GC processing...

    Suspension question How is it possible to suspend something that has not been restarted? This forum seems to forget that we are dealing with an organization that would die of thirst in a water bottling factory!